If △ ABC ∽ a'b'c ', BC; b'c' = 2; 3, the sum of their circumferences is 15 and the difference of their areas is 20, find the respective circumferences and areas of the two triangles

If △ ABC ∽ a'b'c ', BC; b'c' = 2; 3, the sum of their circumferences is 15 and the difference of their areas is 20, find the respective circumferences and areas of the two triangles

Let ∫ ABC ∫ a'b'c ', BC; b'c' = 2:3 ∫ their perimeter ratio = 2:3, their area ratio = 4:9. Let ∫ ABC's perimeter be 2x, then ∫ a'b'c ''s perimeter is 3x. From the meaning of the title, we can get: 2x + 3x = 15. The solution is: x = 3 ∫ the perimeter of ∫ ABC is 6, the perimeter of ∫ a'b'c' is 9. Let ∫ ABC's perimeter be 2x, then ∫ a'b'c's perimeter is 3x