If three sides a, B and C of triangle ABC satisfy (a-b): (C-B): (a + b) = 7:1:18, the shape of the triangle is judged There is a reasoning process

If three sides a, B and C of triangle ABC satisfy (a-b): (C-B): (a + b) = 7:1:18, the shape of the triangle is judged There is a reasoning process

If three sides a, B, C of triangle ABC satisfy (a-b): (C-B): (a + C) = - 7:1:18, ask the shape of triangle ABC and explain the reason. Let A-B = - 7K,. ① C-B = k,. ② a + C = 18K. ③ ② - ①, we can get C-A = 8K, add the formula above and ③, 2C = 26k, C = 13K, substitute C = 13K into ③, a = 5K, substitute C = 13K into ②