Is the germicidal efficacy of alcohol 75 or 95

Is the germicidal efficacy of alcohol 75 or 95

Of course, 75%, medical disinfection alcohol is this. Too high concentration of alcohol can't penetrate into bacteria, too low concentration can't kill bacteria

Why is 75% alcohol better than 95% in disinfection

95% will stimulate bacteria to become spores and continue to survive
75 will not denaturate its protein, sterilization

How to mix 1000 liters of 50% alcohol with 95% alcohol to 1600 liters of 65% alcohol? How many liters of water is needed? Please attach the formula


Need 50% alcohol 1600 ml with 75% alcohol how to match the formula

Is there a formula?
Let's use 75% alcohol x G

Use 95% alcohol to prepare 75% alcohol 1000 ml, how many grams of water need to be added!

The volume of 95% alcohol is 1000 * 75% / 95% = 789.5ml
The volume of water required is 1000-789.5 = 210.5ml