What is the meaning of the chemical formula of alcohol 1. Represents an alcohol molecule 2. Alcohol is a substance 3. Alcohol is composed of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen 4. It means that an alcohol molecule contains two carbon atoms, two oxygen atoms and two hydrogen atoms

What is the meaning of the chemical formula of alcohol 1. Represents an alcohol molecule 2. Alcohol is a substance 3. Alcohol is composed of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen 4. It means that an alcohol molecule contains two carbon atoms, two oxygen atoms and two hydrogen atoms

You really understand!
However, from my point of view, it means that you have to remember it in the future, even if you know the chemical formula of alcohol
He not only said the fourth item you mentioned, but also said: ch3-ch2-oh, how do you combine C, h and o

What is industrial alcohol? What is its chemical formula?

Industrial alcohol is the alcohol used in industry, also called denatured alcohol and industrial liquor
Industrial alcohol contains 96% ethanol (C2H5OH) and 1% methanol (CH3OH). The purity of industrial alcohol is generally 97% and 99%
Industrial alcohol is generally colorless and transparent liquid, slightly with wine aroma. It is mainly used for cleaning in printing and electronic factories, and can not be used as medical alcohol
Generally, 99% industrial alcohol is used as printing fluid, while 97% industrial alcohol is used for cleaning in electronic factory
Industrial alcohol can not be used for human body disinfection, because methanol will lead to poisoning, and some of it will be absorbed by skin when used for skin disinfection. Serious poisoning can lead to blindness and even death!

The chemical equation of the reaction is: x + 3O2 ignition. The chemical formula of alcohol is ()

According to the law of conservation of mass and chemical equation, the number of C in the chemical formula of X is 2, the number of O is 2 × 2 + 3-3 × 2 = 1, and the number of H is 2 × 3 = 6. Therefore, the chemical formula of X is C2H5OH. Therefore, C is selected

Chemical formula of reaction between CaCl 2 and alcohol
After thinking for a long time, I still don't know. Please

Ethanol and calcium chloride are complexed

Chemical expressions for the reaction of carbon dioxide with water

Carbon dioxide + water = = = = (reversible) carbonic acid