How to convert KMOL / h into kg / h

How to convert KMOL / h into kg / h

Directly multiply the molar mass (g / mol)

How to convert kn / h to kg / S

So: x = 0.0283y. Then y = 35.28x
In other words, how much kn / h to how much kg / s, just multiply the value by 35.28

Given the square of M + M = 1, find the cube of M + the square of 2m + 2010

So the original formula = M & sup3; + M & sup2; + M & sup2; + 2010

Who can tell me all the formulas of electricity in junior high school
As long as the junior high school all electrical calculation formula!

1. Current intensity I = q / T 1 a = 1000 Ma 2. Resistance R = u / I = ρ L / S 3. Ohm's law I = u / R in a series circuit, the current is equal everywhere, the voltage between the two poles of the power supply is equal to the sum of the voltages at both ends of each electrical appliance, the total resistance in the circuit is equal to the sum of each resistance, and the voltage distribution at both ends of each conductor is proportional to the resistance of each conductor

The cube of M is 64, M =?
It's like the title


All the knowledge about electricity and formulas in junior high school

Induction and analysis of junior high school electrical formulas there are many junior high school physics electrical formulas, and all kinds of physical laws are sometimes completely different in series and parallel circuits, which makes it very easy for students to confuse all kinds of formulas. In order to make students have a complete understanding of the whole electrical formula and form a complete and clear knowledge network, the junior high school series

How many tons is a cubic meter of M

A volume unit, a weight unit, can't compare
But a cubic meter of water weighs a ton

A formula for finding all band ratios in junior high school electricity
If I1 / I2 = U1 / U2
It's better to have word format

Series connection: R1 / r2 = U1 / U2 = W1 / W2 = P1 / P2 = Q1 / Q2
Parallel: R1 / r2 = I2 / I1 = W2 / W1 = P2 / P1 = Q2 / Q1

What is the cubic of M equal to the cubic of 1dm

What is the cube of 1dm equal to? 0.1M cube
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

Before landing on the moon, the spacecraft made a flight around the moon on the surface of the moon. The time of one flight around the moon was measured as t, and the density of the moon was calculated

According to the law of universal gravitation GMM / R ^ 2 = MRW ^ 2 (note that because of the relationship shown in the textbook, the formula T ^ 2 is the square of the period, R ^ 2 is the square of the radius, R ^ 3 is the cube of the radius) w = 2 π / T is reduced to GMT ^ 2 = 4 π ^ 2R ^ 3 (M is the mass of the moon, so r approximation can be seen