How to convert 100ppm into liter Preparation and conversion of disinfectant in use

How to convert 100ppm into liter Preparation and conversion of disinfectant in use

Ppm is the abbreviation of parts per million, which means part per million, or parts per million

How to convert cubic meters per second into liters per second?
How many L / S is 0.0883125m & sup3 / S?

3125l / s, 1m3 = 1000L

Conversion of soybean oil liter to kilogram

1 l soybean oil L = 0.8 kg

(filling fraction) 100 minutes = () hours 65 cubic decimeters = () cubic meters 650 ml = () liters

Five thirds; two hundred thirteen; twenty thirteen;

ρ = m / V this is the density formula, M is the kg mass, V is the volume
In one question, the average molar mass of air is 2.9 * 10 ^ - 2 kg / mol. assuming that the volume of 1mol gas is 22.4l, how can the density be equal to the average molar mass divided by the assumed volume?

Ha ha, this is a question of understanding
The average molar mass unit is kg / mol, which means the mass of each mole of matter is kg, and it also tells you that the volume of each mole of matter is 22.4l, so for the same mole of matter, of course, its density can be calculated by division

Given that the quadratic power of IM + 1I + {n-2} = 0, find the value of cubic-n of the algebraic formula M


On the proof of celestial formula
The average density of the planet is ρ, and the period of the satellite near the surface of the planet is t. We try to prove that ρ T ^ 2 is a constant for any planet

Let m and M denote the mass of the planet and the mass of the object respectively, which can be known from the law of gravitation and Newton's law
GMM / (R) ^ 2 = m (2 Σ / T) ^ 2 * r (^ 2 means square root)
M = (4 / 3) LLI R ^ 3 ρ (^ 3 for open cube)
So t ^ 2 ρ = 3 PTI / G is a constant

If M + 1 / 3 = 0, then the third power of M =?


Is the focal radius formula of ellipse the same as that of hyperbola?
So why are parabolic curves different?

The length of the line connecting a point on a conic (including ellipse, hyperbola and parabola) with the corresponding focus is called the focal radius of the conic
Focal radius of ellipse
Let m (x0, Y0) be a point of ellipse X & sup2 / / A & sup2; + Y & sup2 / / B & sup2; = 1, the focal radii R1 and R2 are the distances between M and F1 (- C, 0) and F2 (C, 0), respectively, and e is the eccentricity
Then R1 = a + ex0, R2 = a - ex0,
Hyperbolic focal radius
Let m (x0, Y0) be a point of hyperbola X & sup2; / A & sup2; - Y & sup2; / B & sup2; = 1, the focal radii R1 and R2 are the distances between M and F1 (- C, 0) and F2 (C, 0), respectively, and e is the eccentricity
The radius through the right focus R = | ex0-a|
Radius of the left focus R = | ex0 + A|
Parabolic focal radius
Where the focal radius of Y & sup2; = 2px is r = x0 + P / 2
The focal radius formulas of conic curve (ellipse, hyperbola, parabola) are different on the surface, and their essence is the same. They are all derived from the second definition (that is, the ratio of the distance from any point m of conic curve to the focal point F to the distance from m to the corresponding collimator is equal to the eccentricity e)
It's just that there are two hyperbolas, which have more focal radii than ellipses
In the standard form of parabola, the constant P directly represents the distance from the focus to the collimator, and the eccentricity e = 1. When pushing, it is directly represented by P, 1
So the formulas are different on the surface, but the essence is the same. We only need to grasp the essence definition and use it flexibly

It is known that the density of ammonia is 0.95 × 10 cubic kg / m
It is known that the density of ammonia water is 0.95 × 10 cubic kg / m. if a farmer wants to buy 190kg ammonia water, he needs the minimum number of 20dm cubic jars?

The answers are as follows:
The volume of ammonia water v = m / P = 190kg / (950kg / M & sup3;) = 0.2m & sup3;
So we need 0.2 * 0.02 = 10 jars
Hope you can understand ~!