What is the conversion rate between kilogram and liter of general oil? How many kilos of oil is one liter of oil

What is the conversion rate between kilogram and liter of general oil? How many kilos of oil is one liter of oil

I checked it on the Internet. Due to the variety and different density of engine oil (for example, the existing density used in summer is different from that used in winter), the density of engine oil is also different, which is about 0.88 kg / L, that is, the mass of a liter of engine oil is about 0.88 kg, and the existing volume of a kilogram is about 1.14 l!

How to change kilogram into ton

1 kg = 1 kg
1000 kg = 1 ton
So 1000 kg = 1 ton

How to convert unit kg / h into Nm3 / h? How much Nm3 / h is 25498kg / h equal to

How to change weight and length?
Kg is kilogram, nm is nanometer, Nm3 is cubic nanometer?

Focal radius formula of conic curve in high school mathematics

Let m (XO, Y0) be a point of the ellipse x2 / A2 + Y2 / B2 = 1 (a > b > 0), R1 and R2 be the distance between M and F1 (- C, 0), F2 (C, 0), respectively, then (left focal radius) R1 = a + ex0, (right focal radius) R2 = a - ex0, where e is the eccentricity

Let m square + M-1 = 0, then the value of M cube + 2 × m square + 2009 is (to process)

M square + M-1 = 0 m square + M = 1 m cube + 2 × m square + 2009 = m (m square + m) + m square + 2009 = m + m square + 2009 = 1 + 2009 = 2010, happy 2010!

What is the focal radius formula?

Let m (x0, Y0) be a point of the ellipse x2 / A2 + Y2 / B2 = 1 (a > b > 0), R1 and R2 be the distances between M and F1 (- C, 0), F2 (C, 0), respectively, then (left focal radius) R1 = a + ex0, (right focal radius) R2 = a - ex0, where e is the eccentricity

Let m square add m = 1, and find the value of M cube + 2m square + 2010

Because m ^ 2 + M-1 = 0, it is obvious that m ≠ 0

How to prove the formula of focal radius
Let m (x0, Y0) be a point of the ellipse x2 / A2 + Y2 / B2 = 1 (a > b > 0), R1 and R2 be the distances between M and F1 (- C, 0), F2 (C, 0), respectively, then (left focal radius) R1 = a + ex0, (right focal radius) R2 = a - ex0, where e is the eccentricity.

Use the second definition of ellipse: the ratio of the distance from a point on the ellipse to the focus and the distance to the corresponding guide line is equal to the eccentricity. Note that the left focus corresponds to the left guide line, and the right focus corresponds to the right guide line
Take the left focal radius as an example: let a point be (x0, Y0), let x0 > 0
Distance between point and guide line d = x0 + A ^ 2 / C
And because R1 / D = C / A, the solution is R1 = a + ex0
Similarly, the right focal radius can also be obtained

The cube of (M + 1) =?

(m+1)^3=(m+1)(m+1)(m+1) =(m^2+2m+1)(m+1) =(m^2+m+m+1)(m+1) =(m^3+m^2+2m^2+2m+m+1) =m^3+3m^2+3m+1

Electrical formula of junior high school
I want all of them
The deformed should also be taken care of

[electrical part] 1. Current intensity: I = q electric quantity / T 2. Resistance: r = ρ L / s {ρ: resistivity (Ω & # 8226; m), l: conductor length (m), s: conductor cross-sectional area (M2)} 3. Ohm's Law: I = U / R 4. Joule's Law: (1). Q = i2rt universal formula (2). Q = uit = Pt = UQ electric quantity