The literal expression of the reaction between carbon and oxygen For example, the literal expression of ammonium bicarbonate heating Ammonium bicarbonate heating ammonia + water + carbon dioxide In this form, We need literal expressions, not symbolic expressions. I can't understand some symbols What's the matter with the insufficient combustion charge? Does it affect expression

The literal expression of the reaction between carbon and oxygen For example, the literal expression of ammonium bicarbonate heating Ammonium bicarbonate heating ammonia + water + carbon dioxide In this form, We need literal expressions, not symbolic expressions. I can't understand some symbols What's the matter with the insufficient combustion charge? Does it affect expression

Carbon + oxygen --- ignite ----- > carbon dioxide
If the combustion is not fully charged, it means that there is not enough oxygen for the carbon, so it is not fully burned
It has an effect on the expression. Carbon monoxide is produced by incomplete combustion of carbon
Carbon + oxygen --- ignite ----- > carbon monoxide

Chemical reaction equation of alcohol burning in air

C2H5OH + 3O2 = ignition = 2co2 + 3H2O

Is the mass of central celestial body calculated by universal gravitation formula material mass or field mass?
As the title. Gravitation should be in the field of the central celestial body, but the field also has mass?
Let's get to the bottom of this question: what is the mass of the earth? Including the mass of the entire gravity field?

F= mgm=KmM÷Rm 2
Where f is the gravitational force of vacuum radiation on an object of mass M
M is the mass of an object in the gravitational field of the earth
GM is the gravitational acceleration on the corresponding sphere of the object with mass M
M is the total mass of the earth's solid part below the surface (excluding other materials in the gravitational field outside the surface)
RM is the distance from an object of mass m to the center of the earth

650 CC = () cubic decimeter

650 CC = 0.65 cubic decimeter
1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeter = 1000000 cubic centimeter
1 cubic decimeter = 1000 cubic centimeter = 0.001 cubic meter
1 cubic centimeter = 0.001 cubic decimeter = 0.000001 cubic meter,
In addition, 1 cubic decimeter = 1 liter

Is the formula for the mass of the celestial body the same as that for the mass of the earth

Different. In the formula for calculating the mass of celestial bodies, the mass of the earth is reduced