How to convert 1.46 tons per day into liters per second

How to convert 1.46 tons per day into liters per second

Know the density of the conveying medium
If it is water, the density is 1t / m ^ 3, then 1.46t is 1.46M ^ 3 = 1460l
One day is 86400s
There are: 1.46t/d = 1460 / 86400 L / S = 0.0169 L / s

How many liters is 709.98 tons converted into liters?

If it's water, 1 ton = 1000 liters
That is 709.98 tons = 709.98 * 1000 = 7099800 liters of water

How is the mass of a celestial body calculated?

The universe is always so infinite, we know that the mass of the celestial body is very large, how do people measure the mass of the celestial body

2m & # 179; 30 cubic decimeter = [] M & # 179; [] cubic decimeter

2m & # 179; 30 cubic decimeter = [2.03] M & # 179; = [2030] cubic decimeter

Assuming that the density of celestial bodies in the solar system remains unchanged, the diameter of celestial bodies and the distance between celestial bodies are reduced to half of the original, and the earth's revolution around the sun is approximately a uniform circular motion, then the correct change of the following physical quantities is () (sphere volume formula v = 43 π R3)
A. The centripetal force of the earth becomes half of that before reduction B. the centripetal force of the earth becomes 116C before reduction C. The Earth's cycle around the sun is the same as that before reduction D. the earth's cycle around the sun becomes half of that before reduction

A. B. because the density of the celestial body is constant and the radius is halved, the mass of the celestial body is reduced, so m ′ = ρ 43 π (R2) 3 = M8, the earth makes a circular motion around the sun, and the universal gravitation acts as the centripetal force, so f = GM ′ day, m ′ earth (R2) 2 = 116gm day, m earth R2; so B is correct, a is wrong; C, D, from GM ′ day, m ′ earth (R2) 2 = m ′ earth 4 π 2t2 · R2, T2 = 4 π 2r3gm is the same as the original So C is correct and D is wrong