What is the abbreviation of who? Is it the world trade organization?

What is the abbreviation of who? Is it the world trade organization?

World Health Organization
The abbreviation of WTO is World Trade Organization (= WTO)

What does the abbreviation who mean

World Health Organization
Hope to adopt

The sum of each digit of a three digit number is equal to 12, and its one digit number is two less than the ten digit number
The number obtained is 99 less than the original number

A: Ten: B: hundred: C
The original solution is 463

Factorization x ^ 4-5 ^ 2 + 4

The title should be x ^ 4-5x ^ 2 + 4

Q: solve the equation 5x + 10x = 5x + 10x
What equation

This is an identity
That is, no matter what value x takes, the equation holds
So x can be any number

The straight line y = x + 1 and ellipse 3x & # 178; + Y & # 178; = 2 intersect at two points a and B to find the equation of circle with diameter ab
Y = x + 1 into the elliptic equation, so: 3x ^ 2 + x ^ 2 + 2x + 1 = 2
So 4x ^ 2 + 2x-1 = 0, so X1 + x2 = - 1 / 2, x1x2 = - 1 / 4
So Y1 + y2 = X1 + x2 + 2 = 3 / 2, that is, O (- 1 / 4,3 / 4)
How to find the diameter?

After eliminating y, the equation is obtained
The center of the circle is (- 1 / 4,3 / 4)
It is considered that: | x1-x2 | & # 178; = (x1 + x2) & # 178; - 4x1x2 = (1 / 4) - 4 × (- 1 / 4) = 5 / 4, k = 1
The equation of a circle is:

A problem of computer composition principle
In the asynchronous transmission system, the character format is: 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 check bit, 2 stop bits. If 120 characters are required to be transmitted, the baud rate and bit rate are calculated

The title should be 120 characters per second
Then the baud rate is: (1 + 8 + 1 + 2) * 120 = 1440 baud
The transmitted bit rate is: 8 * 120 = 960bps
Baud rate is the number of bits of binary data transmitted per unit time
Bit rate is the number of bits of binary valid data transmitted per unit time

One part of a plus one part of B equals two. Find the value of 3A + 4AB + 3b of 2A + 3ab-2b
Come on

a. B is the denominator, so a and B are not equal to 0
Multiply both sides by ab

Find the function y = f (x) = x ^ 4 + 2 * x ^ 3 + 6x ^ 2 + 5x

= x ( x^3+2x^2+6x+5)
= x [ (x^3+x^2) + (x^2+6x+5) ]
= x [ x^2 (x+1) + (x+1) (x+5 ]
= x (x+1) (x^2+x+5)

Ask three math questions
1. If both a and B are real numbers and satisfy the following conditions: the square of a + the square of B + 5 = 4a-2b
To the power of 2010
2. Use the factorization formula to calculate the 20th power of 2 and the 19th power of 2 Up to the second power of 2 - 2 (step by step)
3. If a and B are the lengths of two right angles of a right triangle, and satisfy the square of 2A (remember, 2a is not a whole, the square of light a) - 8A = 0, find the area of the right triangle (step by step)
Sorry, it's the square of 2a, B-8A = 0

1> A ^ 2-4a + B ^ 2-2b + 5 = 0 (A-2) ^ 2 + (B + 1) ^ 2 = 0, a = 2, B = - 1 (a + b) ^ 2010 = 1
2> 2^20-(2+2^2+…… +2^19)=2^20-2(1-2^19)/(1-2)=2
3> 2a^2b-8a=0 a(ab-4)=0 ab=4 S =ab/2=2