How much is 24 times (1 minus 80%)?

How much is 24 times (1 minus 80%)?

24 / 5 or 4.8

27 times 123456796 equals 333333333, 36 times 12345679 equals 444, 63 times 12345679 equals how much to find the law

63 * 12345679 = 777 rule, 9 * 12345679 = 11111111127 = 3 * 9 36 = 4 * 9 63 = 7 * 9

If | Pf1 | + | PF2 | = 12, then the size of angle f1pf2 is

Strange ya, because P is a point on the ellipse, so there is Pf1 + PF2 = 2A = 2 × 4 = 8, how can it be 12?

1. If you use iron wire to make a cuboid frame with a length of 8 cm, a width of 5 cm, and a height of 4 cm, how long is the iron wire needed? 2. With a 56 cm long lead wire, you can weld a 5 cm long and 5 cm wide cuboid teaching aid, What's the height of the teaching aid? 3. With a piece of iron wire, it can be welded into a square frame with an edge length of 6cm. If this iron wire is used to weld a cuboid with a length of 5cm and a width of 3cm, how high should it be?


What is the equation of a circle symmetric to point (1,5) with circle x square + y square - 4x + 6y + 9 = 0?

So the center of the circle is (2, - 3), and the symmetric point about point (1,5) is (0,13)
So the equation x & sup2; + Y & sup2; - 4x + 6y + 9 = 0 for a circle with point (1,5) symmetry is X & sup2; + (y + 13) & sup2; = 4

Who has a decimal problem in volume two of grade four?
To divide and multiply

14/15X8 2/25X126 35X11/36 73X74/75 1/17X4/9+5/17X1/9 1/2+1/4+1/8+...1/2562/3+2/9+2/27+2/81+2/243 9.9+99.6+999.6+9999.6+99999.6 6X7/12-9/20X6+11/30X63/2+5/6-7/12+9/20-11/30 5/4-9/20+11/30-13/42+15/56 45X2.08+1.5X37.652X11.1+2.6X778 48X1.08+1.2X56.8 72X2.09-1.8X73.6 6.8X16.8+19.3+3.2
Answer 4.4x57.8 + 45.3 + 5.6 139x137 / 138 + 137x1 / 138 53.5x35.3 + 53.5x43.2 + 78.5x46.2235x12.1 + 235x42.2-135x54.3

It is known that the area of the sector is 48 square centimeters. If the radius of the sector is reduced to half of the original and the central angle of the circle remains unchanged, what is the reduced sector area?

The ratio of area to radius is square
If the radius is reduced to half of the original, the area will be reduced by 1 / 2 * 1 / 2 = 1 / 4
48 / 4 = 12 cm2

If the amplitude of the spring oscillator in harmonic motion is a and the maximum acceleration is A0, then at the displacement x = 12a, the acceleration of the spring oscillator is a =___ a0.

According to the characteristic of simple harmonic motion: F = - KX, the acceleration of the oscillator is a = - kxm, and the acceleration is proportional to the displacement. From the question, the amplitude of the spring oscillator is a, and the maximum acceleration is A0, then at the displacement x = 12a, the acceleration of the oscillator is a = 12a0

There is a rectangular piece of paper, 80 cm long and 50 cm wide. If you want to cut it into several squares of the same size without any left, what is the maximum side length of the small square? How many can you cut?

The greatest common factor of 80 and 50 is 10,; 80 × 50 ^ (10 × 10), = 4000 ^ 100, = 40 (pieces); answer: the maximum side length of the cut square is 10 cm, which can be cut into at least 40 such squares

Angular velocity and period
Are the linear velocities of satellites equal? What is the relationship between angular velocity? Period? And radius?

1. Kepler's third law: T2 / R3 = K (= 4 π 2 / GM) {R: orbital radius, t: period, K: constant (independent of the mass of the planet, depends on the mass of the central celestial body)} 2. Law of universal gravitation: F = gm1m2 / R2 (g = 6.67 × 10-11n? M2 / kg2, direction on their line) 3