Four fifths multiplied by six Sevens?

Four fifths multiplied by six Sevens?

I hope I can help you,

Dongdong has 36 story books. Lili's story book is 5 / 6 of Dongdong's, and Mingming's story book is 1.5 times of Lili's. how many story books does Mingming have?
And this Please! When a table tennis ball falls from a high altitude, the height it can bounce is about 2 / 5 of the falling height. If it falls from a height of 25m, then it will bounce up and fall again, so that it will fall less than 0.5m after playing at least several times?

36 * 5 / 6 * 1.5 = 45 copies
25 * 2 / 5 = 10m after one time
10 * 2 / 5 = 4m after the second time
After three times, 4 * 2 / 5 = 1.6m
After four times, 1.6 * 2 / 5 = 0.64M
After five times, 0.64 * 2 / 5 = 0.256 M

According to the fact that five out of seven times seven out of fifteen equals one out of seven times seven out of three, it has been rewritten into eight different proportions

Five out of seven times seven out of fifteen is one out of seven times seven out of three
5 of 7: 1 of 7 = 7 of 3: 7 of 15
1 in 7: 5 in 7 = 7 in 15: 7 in 3
5 of 7: 7 of 3 = 1 of 7: 7 of 15
7 out of 3: 5 out of 7 = 7 out of 15: 1 out of 7
7 of 3:7 of 15 = 5 of 7:1 of 7
7 out of 15: 7 out of 3 = 1 out of 7: 5 out of 7
1 in 7: 7 in 15 = 5 in 7: 7 in 3
7 out of 15: 1 out of 7 = 7 out of 3: 5 out of 7
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Finding the number of subsets of set {1.2,3,4,5}

Let the number of complete set I be n, the number of its subsets be 2 to the nth power, the number of proper subsets be 2 to the nth power - 1, and the number of nonempty proper subsets be 2 to the nth power - 2
For example, the complete set I is {1,2,3},
Its subsets are {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}, {1,2,3}, plus an empty set;

15 out of 56 divided by 45 out of 28?

15 out of 56 divided by 45 out of 28

A fraction minus a fraction is one eleventh


How to solve the equation x × 2.4 + X × 18 = 21.4?


Why is sin0 equal to 1,

.sin0=0 ok?



9 and 8 1-2 and 12 5 = how much (to process)

1 of 9 and 8 is 73 of 8, 2 and 5 of 12 is 29 of 12, 73 / 8-29 / 12 = 73 * 3 / 24-29 * 2 / 24 = (73 * 3-29 * 2) / 24