How much is 35 times 89?

How much is 35 times 89?


How to calculate 34 divided by 35 plus 1 / 35?


36 × (34 + 35) simple
It's all simple operations


The radius of the cone bottom is 6, the top angle of the shaft section is right angle, the section passing through two generatrix cuts 16 of the circumference of the ground and calculates the section area

∵ the bottom radius of the cone is 6, and the top angle of the shaft section is right angle, so the generatrix length of the cone is L = SA = sb = 62. If the section of the two generatrix cuts 16 of the ground circumference, the section is an isosceles triangle, and the side length of the bottom is ab = r = 6, as shown in the figure below: then the height of the triangle is SC = (62) 2 − (62) 2 = 37, so the section area is s = 12 · ab · SC = 97

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fill in the following brackets () - () = () - () = () - () = () - () = () - ()


The circumference of a semicircle is 30.84cm. What is its area?

Let R be the radius of a semicircle
πr+2r=30.84 r=6
Area s = π R & # 178 / 2 = 18 π = 56.52

What is the volume formula of regular hexagonal prism?

Volume = bottom area * height

Calculation. Sin90 - cos180 - tan0

reference material:
Summary of trigonometric function (judgment and formula)

Sum Sn = (A-1) + (a ^ 2-2) + (a ^ 3-3) + +(a^n-n)?

(1 / 3 * 5) = (1 / 3-1 / 5) / 21 / (2n + 1) (2n + 3) = (1 / (2n + 1) - 1 / (2n + 3)) / 2, so Sn = (1 / 3 * 5) + (1 / 5 * 7) + (1 / 7 * 9) +... + [1 / (2n + 1) (2n + 3)] = 0.5 * [1 / 3-1 / 5 + 1 / 5-1 / 7 +... + 1 / (2n + 1) - 1 / (2n + 3)] = 0.5 * [1 / 3-1 / (2n + 3)]

Multiple uses of ellipsis and dash

Ellipsis, the simplest
1. Kong Yiji said in a low voice: "down, down, down Wrong! If you use an ellipsis, you can't use any other dot
2. Novels, poems, essays Wait, he loves to read. (wrong! If you use an ellipsis, you can't use "wait", if you use "wait", you can't use an ellipsis.)
4. "I Sorry Everybody, I No Finish Task. "(yes, it means intermittent sound)
Summary: at present, I see only the second sentence
(oh, the ellipsis is over)
The usage of dash is a little more complicated. It's better not to abuse dash, because it cuts off the meaning after all. Objectively, it is easy to cause dyslexia
Dashes indicate: (1) explanation; (2) sudden change of topic; (3) extension of voice; (4) enumeration of items; (5) progressive
This year's Hubei volume tested dash, and is not a common usage
This is the sentence:
There is only one way to solve this problem, that is, to bring the production of TV series into the orbit of market economy, and take a virtuous circle of production market broadcasting profit recreation