What is 3.14 times 25

What is 3.14 times 25

thirty-one point four

What is 3.14 times 682.5?


What is 2.75 times 0.99


What is 3x + 3Y / x ^ 2 - y ^ 2

3x+3y / x^2 - y^2

English translation
1.Foster demand in prime recruiting channels
2.Select and screen for cultural fit and potential for success
3.Create a first-class new hire program

1. Cultivate the initial recruitment channel demand
2. Select and fully view the appropriate and potential culture of success 3. Create a first-class new employment scheme

If the triangle ABC ≌ triangle def, the circumference of triangle DEF is 28cm, de = 9cm, EF = 12cm, then ab=_______ cm,BC=_______ cm

9 12

Is every boy and every girl plural or singular
Every boy and every girl

Singular number
Every (each / no...) + n (singular) + and + every (each / no...) + n (singular) as the subject and the predicate verb as the singular
each minute and each second is important
Every minute counts

Given that a, B and C are odd numbers, it is proved that the root of the equation AX square + BX + C = 0 must be irrational

If x is a rational number,
Then x & sup2; must be rational,
If X & sup2; is odd, then ax & sup2; must be odd and BX must be odd,
Then ax & sup2; + BX must be an even number, and C is an odd number, ‖ ax & sup2; + BX + C ≠ 0
If X & sup2; is even, then ax & sup2; must be even and BX must be even,
Then ax & sup2; + BX must be an even number, and C is an odd number, ‖ ax & sup2; + BX + C ≠ 0
X is not a rational number, X is an irrational number;
The root of the equation AX & sup2; + BX + C = 0 must be irrational

Put the seeds in the soil

Don't put the seeds in the soil.

The perimeter of a round flower bed is 31.4 meters. How many square meters does it cover?

2, = 3.14 × 52, = 3.14 × 25, = 78.5 square meters. A: this flower bed covers an area of 78.5 square meters