A device has a data entry a and an operation exit B. the following is the result 0 149 16 25 36 12 34 56 7 obtained by Xiao Ming after input to find the range of X A device has a data entry a and an operation exit B. the following is the result 0 14 9 16 25 36 after Xiao Ming input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 find the range of X If the input is 28, what is the result

A device has a data entry a and an operation exit B. the following is the result 0 149 16 25 36 12 34 56 7 obtained by Xiao Ming after input to find the range of X A device has a data entry a and an operation exit B. the following is the result 0 14 9 16 25 36 after Xiao Ming input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 find the range of X If the input is 28, what is the result

It can be seen from the result that it is input (x-1) ^ 2
So if you enter 28 = (28-1) ^ 2 = 729

Simple calculation of 36 × 25 × (6 × 5) × 9 + 16 × 4 × (5 × 9)
Ask for the answer in 30 minutes



What are the fifth, tenth, fifteenth and twentieth digits of PI 3.14

9 5 3 6

Two cars leave from a and B at the same time. Car a travels 60 kilometers per hour, and car B travels 40 kilometers per hour. How many hours do the two cars meet?
Please explain why

Relative driving problem, very simple, speed can be added
Since the distance between two points AB is not given above, it is assumed to be L
Distance divided by speed equals time. T is time
T=L /(60+40)

Pythagorean theorem
1. A child is holding a bamboo pole to pass through a rectangular door. If the bamboo pole is placed vertically, it will be one foot higher than the door. If the bamboo pole is placed obliquely, it will be exactly equal to the diagonal length of the door. If the width of the door is known to be four feet, calculate the height of the bamboo pole and the height of the door
2. After the typhoon, the flagpole of Yiwang primary school broke off somewhere. The top of the flagpole is 8 meters away from the bottom of the flagpole. The original length of the flagpole is known to be 16 meters. How high is the broken position of the flagpole from the bottom?
3. In the quadrilateral ABCD, BC is perpendicular to AD and the perpendicular foot is o. it is proved that the square of AC - the square of CD = the square of ab - the square of BD
4. In the triangle ABC, if three sides A.B.C satisfy the following conditions: square of a + square of B = 25, square of A-B = 7, and C = 5, the height of the largest side can be obtained
5. In the triangle ABC, the lengths of three sides are A.B.C, the square of a = n-1, B = 2n, and the square of C = n + 1 (n is greater than 1 and N is an integer). Is this triangle a right triangle? If so, which angle is a right angle?
6. In the right triangle ABC, AC = BC, angle c = 90 degrees, P.Q is on AB, and angle PCQ is equal to 45 degrees. It is proved that the square of AP + the square of BQ = the square of PQ
7. In the right triangle ABC, if the angle c equals 90 degrees, the middle line be = 13, and the square of the other middle line ad = 331, then what is ab equal to?
8. In the triangle ABC, the angle ACB is equal to 90 degrees. AC = 40, CB = 9. M'n on AB and am = AC, BN = BC, what is the length of Mn?
9. Given that a number has two square roots, a + 3 and 2a-15, find the number
10. It is known that 3A + 1 and 2A + 9 are the square root of integer m, so find the square root of 4m
11. It is known that the square root of 2m + 2 is plus or minus 4, and the square root of 3M + N + 1 is plus or minus 5. Find the value of M + 2n
Answer as much as you can, help the people in the world, and give points when you answer well)

There is a child holding a bamboo pole to pass through a rectangular door. If the bamboo pole is placed vertically, it will be one foot higher than the door. If the bamboo pole is placed obliquely, it is exactly equal to the diagonal length of the door. The width of the door is known to be four feet, so the height of the bamboo pole and the height of the door can be calculated. 2

The two trains leave from 480km away and meet four hours later. The speed of train a is 65km per hour. What is the speed of train B? (use equation)

Suppose that the speed of car B is x kilometers per hour
X = 55 km / h
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Given three numbers a, B and C, what are the mean and variance of 2a-1, 2b-1 and 2c-1

The mean of a, B and C is x, and the variance is S & sup2;
Then the mean of 2a-1, 2b-1, 2c-1 is 2x-1, and the variance is 4S & sup2;

A rides a motorcycle and B rides a bicycle from two places 250 kilometers apart at the same time. After five hours of meeting, it is known that the distance a travels per hour is three times that B travels per hour, less than 6 kilometers. The speed of B riding a bicycle is calculated

Suppose B's speed is x km / h, then a's speed is (3x-6) km / h. from the meaning of the question, we get 5x + 5 (3x-6) = 250, and the solution is: x = 14. A: B's speed is 14 km / h

There is a natural number whose two times is the square of an integer and whose three times is the cube of another integer. The minimum natural number is