The perimeter of a circular flower garden is 25.12 meters. How many square meters is the area of three quarters of roses

The perimeter of a circular flower garden is 25.12 meters. How many square meters is the area of three quarters of roses


The perimeter of a circular garden is 18.84 meters. Chrysanthemum is planted in one third of the garden, and rose is planted in other places. What is the area of rose?

Garden radius = 18.84 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 3 (m)
Garden area = 3.14 × 3 × 3 = 28.26 (M2)
The area of rose flower = 28.26 × (1-1 / 3) = 18.84 (M2)
A: the area for planting rose is 18.84 square meters

The perimeter of a circular garden is 5.24 meters. 25% of the garden area is planted with rose, and the rest is planted with rose. How many square meters is the rose planting area?

Calculation: (1); (8 / 27) ^ 1 / 3 + √ (- 2) ^ 2 - (- 0.5) ^ - 2 △ 4 ^ 2 / 3
(2).3√4 × 4√8 ÷ √16 × 6√32
Tick is the root sign

(8/27)^1/3 + √(-2)^2 - (-0.5)^-2÷4^2 /3
=8/3-4 / 48
3√4 × 4√8 ÷ √16 × 6√32
=3× 2× 4×2√2÷4×6×4√2

What letters are used to express various physical quantities in physics?

Length L
Time s
Velocity v
Force F
Acceleration a
Voltage U
Current I
Power p
Density p
Mass m
Volume V

An equation is required
(1) If they advance 35 kilometers per hour, they will be 2 hours late. If they walk 15 kilometers more per hour, they can arrive at place B one hour ahead of time to find the distance between a and B and the specified time
(2) A workshop produces a batch of parts, the original plan is 10 days to complete, when processing, the new operation method is adopted, and the task is completed three days in advance. We also know that the number of parts produced in the original plan is 4 less than 3 / 4 of the number of parts produced in the new operation method. How many less parts are produced in the original plan than in the new operation method?

Let X be the given time, then there is a solution of 35 * (x + 2) = (35 + 15) * (x-1) and x = 8

The power supply voltage is 20 V, the resistance value is 25 Ω, the sliding rheostat R2 is marked with 20 ohm, 2 A, close the key s, and the ammeter shows 0.5 a
Now choose a replacement resistor R1 from 10 Ω 20 Ω 30 Ω, and connect a voltmeter into the circuit. It is required that the pointer of the two meters can reach the full scale of the measuring range in the process of moving the slide P of the rheostat, so as to calculate the resistance value of the replacement resistor

The ammeter is 0-0.6a (sliding rheostat 2a, select 3a, sliding rheostat is broken)
Suppose that the voltage of fixed resistance measured by Voltmeter u = IR is proportional to the voltage and current R = 15 / 0.6 = 25 Ohm, or 3 / 0.6 = 5 ohm is not optional
Measure the voltage of sliding rheostat with voltmeter,
The maximum current has the minimum total resistance, i.e. 20 / 0.6 = 33.3 ohm; i.e. 10 ohm is optional, 10 + 20 ohm is optional

Removing bracket and denominator for solving linear equation of one variable
For example - 3 (2a-5) + 4a. I only count it when I see it very old

Your concept is wrong. The formula you gave is not an equation, but an equation

How to say weight in English

what is the weight of ...
How heavy is ...

Exercises (review of six years of primary school life), to use immediately!

Calendar page after page, caused my thoughts. Time flies, blink of an eye, six years of primary school life passed, I and my classmates experienced ups and downs, that sincere feelings, let me miss, good unforgettable
Unforgettable, the teacher's kind face; unforgettable, the teacher's serious words; unforgettable, the teacher's profound teaching; still remember, when I first went to school, it was the teacher's warm big hand holding my little hand, which led me into the palace of knowledge, with a key casting hope to open the door of my heart. Let me know the truth of "full of loss, modest benefit", Mr. Liang (math teacher) handed out the paper and said, "this is a small test. The problem is very simple. I hope you can do it seriously and check it carefully after you finish it." the paper was handed out. I read the paper again and the problem is very simple. I was secretly glad that the problems in the previous two tests were more difficult than this. I got full marks. What's this? So I took out the calculus paper and answered it As time went by, I finished my answer in less than 20 minutes. I looked at Mr. Liang and didn't pay attention to me, so I took out a piece of white paper to draw The long two classes finally passed. I handed in my papers with full confidence, and then I answered with my classmates. My God, how is it all different? "Forget it, forget it, whoever you love is wrong, no matter who is wrong!" then I went out to play. Because I was good at learning, Mr. Liang used to judge my papers first. After a while, Mr. Liang called me to the office and showed me my papers. Suddenly, it was like a bolt from the blue, I was stunned there, this This, this How is it possible? 71 points, even excellent! I quickly read the paper again, people's problem is addition, in the end let me write a subtraction; the original problem is 7.2, I copied 72; there are a few simple oral problems did not write God, this is my masterpiece of arrogance! After a long time, Mr. Liang slowly said: "is this your level? You let me down too much. Although this question is simple, you should be serious. Why are you so proud? Is pride useful?" yes, what am I so proud of? Looking at Mr. Liang's questioning eyes, I lowered my head
Unforgettable, the students' humorous expression; unforgettable, the students' humorous words; unforgettable, the students' concerned greetings. Still remember, when I was sad, it was the warm words at the same table that comforted me, and it was the students' funny language that amused me. Seeing his naughty face, I laughed, and he also laughed. A few days ago, my grandmother died, and grief hit me like a devil, and I was depressed all day, Wang Shuangxing, seeing me like this, teased me all day long, but his real smile didn't bloom on my face. A few happy boys in the class didn't have a good relationship with each other, but when I was not happy, their humorous words made me laugh, and I became the carefree bird again
Now, six years later, we are about to move towards a new starting point of life and welcome a new journey. We can all remember playing together, reading together, jumping rope together and cheering together
After the final exam, everyone will go their own way. Only this unforgettable primary school life turns into childhood memory and continues to soar to the ideal!
How time flies! In a twinkling of an eye, six years of primary school life is about to pass. I am about to leave my alma mater, move towards a new learning environment and start a new life. Alma mater, you are the gas station for my study, and you are also the happy harbor in my heart
How can we forget that in the spring with the breeze, the students sat together in the classroom to read the text. We learned "Robinson Crusoe", from which we realized the philosophy of survival: we can't lose the hope of life in the face of difficulties. We also learned "little girl selling firewood", from which we realized the darkness of the society at that time, Everyone in a play hide and seek, play games, heart is full of infinite happiness. In that vibrant spring, we harvest unparalleled happiness
How can we forget that in the scorching summer, in our class 61, the "World War of human mosquitoes and human bees" was held. Where mosquitoes fly, we fight. Some people even make "poison". Finally, with our concerted efforts, we broke the nest of mosquito bees. In that "dangerous" summer, we reaped the joy of success
Fruitful autumn, in the school of Huangjue tree, autumn breeze, in the playground, in the flower bed, on the steps, in front of the blackboard in the classroom, we are buried in the shadow of hard work. In that cool autumn, we harvest rich knowledge
After the final exam, everyone will go their separate ways. The last spring outing, we all shed tears for the friendship. In this winter of separation, we harvest the friendship
Teacher, is you, taught us knowledge, also taught us the truth of life