Given that the quadratic function f (x) = (a + 1) x square + (A's square + 2a-3) x + 5 is even function, the value of a is obtained

Given that the quadratic function f (x) = (a + 1) x square + (A's square + 2a-3) x + 5 is even function, the value of a is obtained

∵ function f (x) = (a + 1) x & sup2; + (A & sup2; + 2a-3) x + 5 is an even function, ∵ A & sup2; + 2a-3 = 0, a = - 3, or a = 1, and function f (x) = (a + 1) x & sup2; + (A & sup2; + 2a-3) x + 5 is a quadratic function, ∵ a + 1 ≠ 0, that is, a ≠ - 1, ∵ A's value is - 3, or 1

Given a = 2x Square-1 + 3x, B = 4 (x-x square + 1), find a-b


A cuboid is 12cm long, 5cm wide and 360cm3 in volume. What's the surface area of this cuboid?

Height: 360 ﹣ 12 ﹣ 5 = 6cm
Surface area: (12 × 5 + 12 × 6 + 5 × 6) × 2 = 324cm and 178;

Enter two positive integers m and N to find their greatest common divisor and least common multiple?
Enter two positive integers m and N to find their greatest common divisor and least common multiple. How to program this program?

//Finding the greatest common divisor
void GreatestCommonDivisor()
while (1)
int m = 0,n = 0;
printf("input m:\b");
printf("input n:\b");
if (m == 0 || n == 0) return;
if (m n) n :m;
int c = 0;
while ((a % b) != 0)
c = a % b;
a = b;
b = c;
printf("%d and %d GreatestCommonDivisor = %d\n",m,n,b);
Printf (% D and% D, the least common multiple is% D, m, N, B / N);
int main()
return 0;

The three sides of the triangle are represented by ABC, where AB is 5 and 12 respectively, C on the other side is odd tree, and a + B + C is a multiple of 3, and C =?

9 or 15. From the triangle trilateral theorem, we can know the edge b-a

If the number a is 36, the greatest common divisor of a and B is 4, and the least common multiple is 288, then the number B is______ .

Because: the product of two numbers is equal to the least common multiple of two numbers multiplied by the greatest common divisor, so B number is: 288 × 4 △ 36, = 1152 △ 36, = 32; answer: B number is 32, so the answer is: 32

Mathematical ellipse x2 / 9 + Y2 / = 1, m, n are the two symmetric moving points on the ellipse about the origin, P is any point on the ellipse, the slopes of PM, PN are K1, K2
Ellipse x2 / 9 + Y2 / = 1, m, n are two symmetric moving points on the ellipse about the origin, P is any point on the ellipse, the slope of PM, PN is K1, K2, then / K1 / + / K2 / minimum is


English translation
Translate every word

Is / AM / are: bear bear, beat, come, begin, break, bring
Building buy can catch come to cost cut do / does

Try to find the distance between the two intersection points of parabola y = AX2 + BX + C and X axis (the square of B - 4ac > 0)
Write process, more detailed content, thank you

Y = AX2 + BX + C has two intersections with X axis
The distance between the two intersections is the absolute value of the difference between the two roots X1 and X2 of AX2 + BX + C = 0
|X1-x2 | = radical (b ^ 2 / A ^ 2-4c / a)

Using the factorization formula, it shows that the seventh power of 36 - the twelfth power of 6 can be divided by 210
It's 12 power. Why is it 5 power?

36 ^ 7-6 ^ 12 (^ is power)
Because there is a factor of 210 in 210 × 6 ^ 11, the seventh power of 36 and the twelfth power of 6 can be divided by 210