What are the seven basic units of the international system of units

What are the seven basic units of the international system of units

The name of the unit of physical quantity and the symbol of the unit
Length (L) M
Mass (m) kg
Time (T) s
Current (I) a
Thermodynamic temperature (T) Kelvin K
The amount of matter is (n) mol
Luminescent intensity (LV) candela CD

On a rough horizontal plane, there are two pieces of wood 1 and 2 with mass M1 and M2 respectively. In the middle, they are connected by a light spring with original length L and stiffness coefficient K. the sliding friction coefficient between the block and the ground is u. first, pull the block 2 to the right with a horizontal force. When the two blocks move at a uniform speed, what is the distance between the two blocks? M2 is useless, which is no different from pulling M1 directly with a spring
Analyze M1 force, spring force and friction force, two force balance
Friction um1g = elastic force = kx
The distance is L + um1g / K, why it has nothing to do with M2!

In the process, it can be found that M2 will be naturally eliminated
M 2 is subjected to friction u m 2G, spring tension k x and horizontal force F, where f = k x + U M 2G. (1)
Taking M1, M2 and spring as a system, the force of the system is analyzed. The system is only subjected to horizontal force F and friction um1g + um2g
There is f = um1g + um2g. (2). Substituting (1), we can find that M2 is eliminated, and we get
The solution of the original problem

How many Mu is one square kilometer

One mu is equal to 666.67 square meters

Find a solid metal ball, use a spring dynamometer to measure 54 n outside the gravity in the air, immerse it in water, the test number of spring scale is 34 n, find g = 10N / kg
What is the volume of a metal ball in cubic meters
What is the metal composition of the ball

1. The buoyancy of air is negligible,
The buoyancy of the metal ball in water f = G-F = 20n
From F floating = P liquid GV row, it can be seen that V row = f floating / P liquid g = 2.0x10 - & sup3; 3M & sup3;
2. From g = mg = PVG, P = g / VG = 2.7x10 & sup3; kg / M & sup3;

If the side length of a square is 3, and the area of the new square is y after the side length is reduced by X, then the analytic function of Y with respect to X is


As shown in the figure, a light rope crosses the smooth fixed pulley, and two objects with mass M1 and M2 are attached at both ends. M1 is placed on the ground, and M2 is a certain height from the horizontal ground. When the mass of M2 changes, the acceleration a of M1 will also change. In the following four images, the most accurate relationship between a and M2 is ()
A. B. C. D.

When M2 > M1, M1 has upward acceleration. According to Newton's second law, for M1: t-m1g = m1a & nbsp; & nbsp; for M2: m2g-t = M2A, a = M2 − m1m2 + m1g is obtained

The plan is negative and the actual completion is also negative. How to calculate the completion ratio

Negative number actually completed? Impossible

A box of potatoes on the turntable moves in a uniform circular motion with angular velocity ω. The mass of one potato in the middle position is m (can be regarded as a particle), and the distance from it to the rotating shaft is R. then the force of other potatoes on the potato is ()
A. m2g2+m2ω4R2B. mω2RC. mgD. m2g2−m2ω4R2

According to Newton's second law and the formula of centripetal force, there are: horizontal direction: FX = m ω 2R, vertical direction: FY = mg; so the resultant force is: F = FX2 + FY2 = m2g2 + M2 ω 4r2

In the known arithmetic sequence an, A3 = 7, a1 + A2 + a3 = 12, let BN = an × a (n + 1), the sum of the first n terms of sequence 1 / BN is TN, n ∈ n*
2 verification: TN < 1 / 3
3. Through the exploration of the sequence TN, write a true proposition of "T1, TM, TN are equal proportion sequence" and explain the reason (1 < m < n, m, n ∈ n *)

So 1 / BN = 1 / (3n-2) * (3N + 1) = 1 / 3 * [1 / (3n-2) - 1 / (3N + 1)], so TN = 1 / 3 * [(1 / 1-1 / 4) + (1 / 4-1 / 7) +. + (1 / (3n-2) - 1 / (3N + 1))] = 1 / 3-1 / [3 * (3N + 1)], so it is less than 1 / 33

There are two cars a and B on the straight road. A starts to drive from a standstill at an acceleration of 0.5m/s2, and B moves at a constant speed in the same direction at a speed of 5m / s 200m in front of A. question: (1) when will a catch up with B? How fast does a catch up with B? How far is a from the starting point? (2) In the process of catching up, when is the maximum distance between a and B? What is the distance?

(1) When a overtakes B, the difference of their displacements is x0 = 200m, & nbsp; x a = x0 + X B. let a overtake B with time t, then x a = 12a a T2, x B = v b T. according to the condition of overtaking, there is 12a T2 = v b t + 200, and the solution is t = 40 & nbsp; s or T = - 20 & nbsp; s (rounding off). Then the velocity of a is v a = a T = 0.5 × 40 & nbsp; m / S = 20 & nbsp; s; M / s, x a = 12a, T2 = 12 × 0.5 × 402 & nbsp; m = 400 & nbsp; m. (2) in the process of catching up, when a's speed is less than B's, the distance between a and B is still increasing, but when a's speed is greater than B's, the distance between a and b decreases. When the two speeds are equal, the distance between a and B reaches the maximum. From a a T = v b, t = 10 & nbsp; s, that is, a is at 10 & nbsp; s; Xmax = x0 + V B t-12a a T2 = (200 + 5 × 10-12 × 0.5 × 102) & nbsp; m = 225 & nbsp; M. (1) a catches up with B in 40s, and the speed of a catches up with B is 20 & nbsp; m / s, at this time a is 400 & nbsp; m from the starting point. (2) in the process of catching up, there is a maximum distance between a and B at 10 & nbsp; s, which is 225 & nbsp; M