There are five consecutive even numbers, and their sum is 130. What are the five even numbers?

There are five consecutive even numbers, and their sum is 130. What are the five even numbers?

In the middle is 130 / 5 = 26
Then 5 numbers are 22 24 26 28 30

A number consists of eight million, six hundred thousand, seven thousand, forty tens, six 0.1 and five 0.01. What is the number? What is the number rounded to ten thousand

8607040.65, rounding to 10000 is 8610000

On a 1:5000000 map, the distance between the two cities is 5.6CM
If the two trains run from two cities for 2.5 hours at the same time, they will meet each other. Among them, train a runs 60 kilometers per hour, and train B runs how many kilometers per hour?

The distance between the two cities is 5.6 × 5000000 = 280km
5 = 112 km / h
So the speed of B is 112-60 = 52 km / h

Find determinants | a + B + C + 2D a B C, D B + C + D + 2A B C, d a + C + D + 2B C, d a B a + B + D + 2C|

Add all the following three columns to the first column, then put forward 2 (a + B + C + D), and then solve it slowly

The weight of an apple is one sixth of that of a pear?

One in seven
Calculate it: when the apple is 7 / 6, the pear is 1
Then ask the apple is 1 and the pear is X,
A list of inequalities comes out

Examples are given to illustrate the difference between the basic properties of inequality and equality

The difference is 2: 1. Inequality represents a specific range of values, generally with only one solution; while equation simply represents the value of a number, generally with only one solution. For example: if A-3 > 0, then the answer is a > 3, and any number larger than 3 is in the range of values; and if A-3 = 0, the answer is 3, only one solution

The distance between the two places is 90km. The two cars run from each other at the same time and meet in three fourths of an hour. The speed ratio of the two cars is 3:2. How many kilometers do the two cars travel per hour?

Speed sum = 90 (3 / 4) = 120 km / h;
A speed = 120 × 3 ^ (3 + 2) = 72 km / h;
B speed = 120-72 = 48 km / h;
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When 2 (M-3) x-m is the solution set

Because: M

The length of the railway between Party A and Party B is 464 km. A passenger train and a freight train depart from the two places at the same time and run in opposite directions. After meeting for 3.2 hours, the freight train runs every hour
69 kilometers, how many kilometers does the bus travel per hour?

Answer: the bus travels 76 kilometers per hour

-3 belongs to (a-3,2a + 1, a square + 1) to find the value of real number a

-3 = A-3, then a = 0
Or - 3 = 2A + 1, a = - 2
Or - 3 = a ^ 2 + 1 has no solution
So the value of a is 0, or - 2