What is the remainder of 22 divided by 26 What is the remainder of the divisor larger than the divisor

What is the remainder of 22 divided by 26 What is the remainder of the divisor larger than the divisor

If the quotient is 0, the remainder is directly the divisor

The vertex a of △ ABC is a fixed point, the height on the edge of BC is 2, | BC | = 4. When the edge of BC moves along a fixed line L, the trajectory equation of the outer center m of △ ABC is obtained

Take the line where BC is located as the x-axis, and the line where the height of BC is located as the y-axis
Then the coordinates of point a are (0,2)
Let B be (a, 0), then C be (a + 4,0)
Let m coordinate be (x, y)
M is on the vertical of BC, so x = a + 2
The distance from m to a and B is equal, and there are some differences
(x-a)^2 + y^2 = x^2 + (y-2)^2
So x ^ 2 = 4Y

The volume of a cone with a bottom area of 50 square centimeters is measured by a rectangular container with a bottom perimeter of 8 cm and a height of 20 cm
The water in the container is 2 cm away from the mouth of the cup. When the conical lead cone is put into the container, some water overflows. When the conical lead cone is taken out, the water surface drops by 5 cm. What is the height of the conical lead cone

Ignore "put the conical lead cone into the container, some water overflows"
Volume of cone: "when the conical lead cone is taken out, the water surface drops by 5cm"
8 * 8 * 5 = 320 cm and 179 cm;
H = 19.2 cm
The height is 19.2 cm

If cosa / 2 = 4 / 5 a ∈ (0, π), then Tana =?


Given that the two real roots of the equation AX2 + BX + C = 0 are m and N, let S1 = m + N, S2 = M2 + N2, S3 = m3 + N3 S100 = M100 + N100, then what is the value of as2011 + b2010 + c2009?
What is the value of as2011 + bs2010 + cs2009?

As2011 + b2010 + c2009 = a (m2011 + n2011) + B (M2010 + n2010) + C (m2009 + n2009) = m2009 (AM2 + BM + C) + n2009 (an2 + BN + C) because m and N are the two real roots of the equation AX2 + BX + C = 0, so AM2 + BM + C = 0,
An2 + BN + C = 0, so the original formula is 0

If the definition field of odd function y = f (x) is (- 2,2), then f (0)=__________ .

Odd function: F (- x) = - f (x)
So: F (- 0) = - f (0)
That is: F (0) = - f (0)

Given that the solution of equation (x + a) (x-3) = 0 and equation x-2x-3 = 0 are the same, then a =?

The solution of X & # 178; - 2x-3 = 0 is
The solution is x = - 1, x = 3
The solution of equation (x + a) (x-3) = 0 is x = - A, x = 3
So - a = - 1
If you don't understand,

The distance between the two directrix of the ellipse with the center at the origin and the major axis at the Y axis is 36, and the distance between a point on the ellipse and the two focal points is 9.15

Let the ellipse equation with the center at the origin and the major axis at the Y axis be: x ^ 2 / b ^ 2 + y ^ 2 / A ^ 2 = 1
The distance between the two foci is 9.15, so 2A = 9 + 15 = 24, a = 12
So, 2A ^ 2 / C = 36, C = 2A ^ 2 / 36 = 8
The elliptic equation is: x ^ 2 / 80 + y ^ 2 / 144 = 1

How to solve (x + 360) × 15% = x


cos80°cos35°+sin80°sin35°=______ .

Cos80 ° cos35 ° + sin80 ° sin35 ° = cos (80 ° - 35 °) = cos45 ° = 22