There is a column of numbers 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, 29,... What is the remainder of the 1996 number from the left divided by 5?

There is a column of numbers 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, 29,... What is the remainder of the 1996 number from the left divided by 5?

1994 * 1995 / 2 must be divisible by 5, 1996 divided by 5 to make 1
The remainder of the number from the left of this column divided by 5 is 1

A column of numbers 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, 29... The remainder of the 1993 number from the left divided by 5 is () why?

Through this sequence, it is found that the remainder of the series divided by 5 is 1,2,4,7,1,1,2,4,7,1
So 1993 = 398 * 5 + 3, the remainder of the number 1993 from the left divided by 5 is 4

A column of numbers, 1,2,4,7,11,16,22,29. What is the remainder of the number from the left of this column divided by 5?

The law of the remainder divided by 5 is as follows
The remainder of the number 1 996 divided by 5 is 1

Given the line L1: (a + 3) x + 4Y = 5-3a and l2:2x + (a + 5) y = 8, then when a is what, the line L1 and L2: (1) are parallel? (2) Vertical? (3) Intersect?

(1) Line L1: (a + 3) x + 4Y = 5-3a, its slope is - 3 + A4, the slope exists, two lines are parallel, then the slope of line l2:2x + (a + 5) y = 8 is - 3 + A4, so − 25 + a = − 3 + A4, the solution is a = - 1, or a = - 7, when a = - 1, the two lines coincide, rounding off, so when a = - 7, the two lines parallel

What do the letters in the advanced formula of the third order magic cube mean? What do those "U" and so on mean? Those who know, please tell us all the meanings in the formula, and punctuation

U-up means the top layer rotates clockwise
D-down bottom layer rotates clockwise
R-right rightmost clockwise rotation
F-front face rotates clockwise
L-left most left clockwise rotation
The last side of b-behind rotates clockwise
In lower case, it means two rows of rotation together * 2 means two consecutive rotations, X means the whole Rubik's cube rotates in R direction, y means the whole Rubik's cube rotates in U direction, Z means the whole Rubik's cube rotates in F direction, and "means reverse rotation

How to solve: x ^ 3 + 3x ^ 2 + 2x = 0

X = 0 or - 1 or - 2

If there is a square lawn and a round lawn, and their area is 100 square meters, which lawn has a larger perimeter? π is 3.14
The area and perimeter of a circle are expressed by a formula

Square variable length = root 100 = 10m circular radius = root (100 △ 3.14) ≈ 5.6m
C square = 4 × 10 = 40 M2 C circle = 2 × 3.14 × 5.6 = 35.168 M2
A: square lawn has a larger area

Distinguish AC generator, DC generator, DC motor

The difference between generator and motor, as long as there is no power on it, there is power is the motor, there is no generator
Assuming that the output of both DC generator and AC generator is AC, DC generator has commutator (two mutually insulated copper half rings) to change DC into AC, while AC generator does not need it

If the minimum value of the function y = - 3x ^ 3-3x ^ 2 + 9x-1 in the closed interval - 3 to a is - 77, then a=
Simply explain,

If y '= - 3x ^ 2-6x + 9, let y' = 0, the solution is X1 = - 3, X2 = 1,
When x > 1 or x0, i.e
If y decreases monotonically in the interval (- ∞, - 3) ∪ (1, + ∞), and decreases monotonically in the interval [- 3,1], then
When x = - 3, y takes the minimum value, which is - 28; when x = 1, y takes the maximum value, which is 4
Now according to the meaning of the question, if the minimum value on [- 3, a] is - 77, then a > 1, and when x = a, the value is - 77
So - A ^ 3-3a ^ 2 + 9a-1 = - 77, that is (A-4) (- A ^ 2-7a-19) = 0, we can get a = 4

Cut a round paperboard into two equal semicircles and increase the perimeter by 10cm. What is the original area of the round paperboard?

A round paperboard is cut into two equal semicircles, and the circumference is increased by 10 cm, that is, two diameters are increased
The radius r = 10 / 4 = 2.5cm
So the area s = π R & # 178; = 2.5 * 2.5 * 3.14 = 19.625 CM & # 178;