12…… What is the remainder of 2 divided by 13?

12…… What is the remainder of 2 divided by 13?

According to the cut-off-3 method, 111111 can be divided by 13. That is to say, six consecutive 2: "222222" can be divided by 13
According to the cut-off-3 method, we can see that 1222 can be divided by 13. Here we need three 2
(2000 - 3) ÷ 6 = 332…… Yu 5
So the number 12 2 [2000 2], which can be divided into:
1 section 1222332 section 222222, 1 section 22222
The front 1222 and 222222 are divisible by 13
Therefore, the remainder of the number divided by 13 is equivalent to the remainder of 22222 divided by 13
22222 ÷ 13 = 1709 …… Yu 5
So, 12 The remainder of 2 [2000 2] divided by 13 is 5

What is the remainder of 222.22 divided by 7?

Let a = 222.22 (2003 2), 2003 = 6 * 333 + 5. The remainder of 7 is characterized by a ≡ 22-222 + 222-222 + 222-222 + +222-222 (333 222-222) ≡ 22-222 ≡ - 200 ≡ - 4 ≡ 3 (MOD7), so the remainder of a divided by 7 is 3, a = 2 * (1 + 10 + 10 ^ 2 + 10 ^ 3 +...) +10^2002) 1≡1(mod7),1...

What is the remainder of 222.2 divided by 41?

2003/5=400…… three
222/41=5…… seventeen
The remainder is 17

55555. (a total of 1997 5) divide by 13 to get the remainder

Remember this, many topics can be used
Six consecutive ones, divisible by 13
So six consecutive 5S can also be divided by 13
1997÷6=332…… five
So 1997 divided by 13 is the same as 55555 divided by 13
55555÷13=4273…… five
The remainder is 5
Hope to help you

Given that the domain of definition of the function y = radical (ax2-6ax + A-8) is r, find the value range of real number a

Let f (x) = ax ^ 2-6ax + A-8, then f (x) is always greater than 0 on R, then a > 0 and the minimum value of F (x) is greater than 0, that is, when x = 3, f (x) is greater than 0, that is, 9a-18a + A-8 > 0, A0, so a has no solution

How to find the normal vector of a plane?

For example, the equation of a straight line is ax + by + C = 0
Its normal vector is (a, b)
It's like this, but it's not that easy
It's just a case - a straight line in the plane

In triangle ABC, BD ⊥ AC in d.ce ⊥ AB in E, DB and CE intersect at O, OB = OC, OD = OE; ab = AC

OB = OC, OD = OE, then BD = CE
BD = CE, then AB = AC

*Is it a multiplication sign or a division sign? / is it a multiplication sign or a division sign?

(in mathematics, it's like this ~)

Let o be the outer center of the triangle ABC, and 3oa vector + 4ob vector + 5oC vector = 0 vector, then the inner angle c of the triangle is

In the triangle ABC, the angle BAC = 60 ° and the angle B = 45 °, ad is a bisector of the triangle ABC, and the degree of the angle ADB is calculated
