The remainder of 8 ^ 10 divided by 7 is

The remainder of 8 ^ 10 divided by 7 is

8/7… one
8*8/7… one
8*8*8/7… one
The remainder is one
checking calculation:
8^10/7=153391689… one

There is a number, the remainder of 9 is 4, and the remainder of 8 is 3. What is the smallest of these numbers


Primary school mathematics problems with the remainder of the problem, there is a number divided by 9, the quotient is 3, the remainder is the largest number, the divisor is how many to find the answer

The maximum remainder is 8, and the divisor is 35

What is the remainder of the 2002 number divided by 5?
One column number 1,2,4,7,11,16,22,29 The composition rule of the number in this column is that the second number is 1 more than the first number, the third number is 2 more than the second number, the fourth number is 3 more than the third number, and so on. What is the remainder of the number from the left of this column divided by 5?
My classmates and I do not do the same, the following I will write two methods, that is right to say a few, if not help me do it
The first method is as follows:
(2001+2001)÷5=800…… two
The second approach:
(2001+1)÷2×2001÷5=400600…… one

The second is right
((2001 + 1) / 2) * 2001 is the 2002 value of this set of data
This can be solved by arithmetic sequence

How to calculate the cuboid volume and cylinder volume for the boiler to do insulation, calculate how long insulation material

Cuboid volume = length by width by height
Volume of cylinder = circle times height

Using the law of multiplication distribution to calculate 138 times 99


F (x) = (x-a) LNX (a > = 0) is a monotone decreasing function on [1,2]. Find the minimum value of A

If f (x) = (x-a) LNX is a monotone decreasing function on [1,2], then f (x)`

If the mass of liquid oxygen is known, how to calculate the volume of oxygen in standard atmosphere?
It is known that the mass of liquid sample oxygen is 4.8 kg,
Volume of oxygen in standard atmosphere? (oxygen density 1.43kg/l)
How to calculate the change?

So v = m / density = 4.8kg/1.43kg = 3.35l

A new operation is defined: a * b = a + (a + 1) + (a + 2) + +(a + B-1). (where AB is a natural number, and b > A) if x * 11 = 88, then what is x?


Volume problems in grade six
A rectangular pool, measured from the inside, is a square with a side length of 2 meters on the bottom. The height of the pool is 2.5 meters, and the water depth in the pool is 0.6 meters. There is a rectangular iron block, which is 4 decimeters in length, 4 decimeters in width, and 12 decimeters in height. If you put the iron block into the pool and make one side close to the bottom of the pool, how many decimeters will sleep increase?
A cuboid pool, measured from the inside, the bottom is a square with a side length of 2 meters, the height of the pool is 2.5 meters, and the water depth in the pool is 0.6 meters. There is a cuboid iron block, which is 4 decimeters long, 4 decimeters wide and 12 decimeters high. How many decimeters will the water surface rise when the iron block is put into the pool so that one side of the iron block is close to the bottom of the pool? Wrong number just now. It's water, not sleep

4dm (decimeter) = 0.4m (meter) 12dm = 1.2m
I Know