What is the remainder of 200 5 divided by 13

What is the remainder of 200 5 divided by 13

=More than 76
So: the remainder is 12

There are some three digit numbers. They are divided by 3 and the remainder is 1. They are divided by 5 or 8 and the remainder is 4. How many three digit numbers are there

Divide by 5 or 8, the remainder is 4, the minimum number is 8 * 5 + 4 = 44, but the remainder of 44 divided by 3 is 2, then add the least common multiple of 8 and 5 40,44 + 40 * 2 = 124, so the minimum number that meets the requirements is 124. Because the three digits that meet the requirements are required, then add the least common multiple of 3,5,8 120, so the three digits that meet the requirements

Please guess the corresponding idiom according to the following sequence: a.35.35.35.b.33.22 c. d.

A. Three or five groups
B. In twos and threes
C. Three to six
D. There are all kinds of strange things

The first term of the sequence {an} is A1 = 1, the first n terms satisfy the relation with SN: 3tsn - (2t + 3) sn-1 = 3T (T > 0, n = 2,3,4,5,)
Sum: b1b2-b2b3 + b3b4b5 +... + (- 1) ^ n + 1bnbn + 1
(1) The sequence {an} is an equal ratio sequence (with reasoning process); (2) let the common ratio of the sequence {an} be f (T), make the sequence {BN}, so that B1 = 1, BN = f (1 / b (n-1)) (n = 2,...) , find the sequence {BN}
The above is (3)

(1) A1 = 13tsn - (2t + 3) sn-1 = 3T (T > 0, n = 2,3,4,5), (1). 3tsn-1 - (2t + 3) sn-2 = 3T (T > 0, n = 2,3,4,5), (2). (1) - (2) get: 3tsn - (2t + 3) sn-1 = 3tsn-1 - (2t + 3) sn-2

To decorate the living room, 80 square bricks with a side length of 5 decimeters should be used instead of 4 decimeters,
And four operations

The solution needs x blocks

66:121, reduction ratio


A mathematical problem, it is best to have steps: LIM (1 + x) of the second power of X, X to 0 calculation

2 / x power of LIM (1 + x) = [1 / x power of LIM (1 + x)] ^ 2 = e ^ 2

The area of a rectangle is equal to that of a circle
A circle overlaps a rectangle with one corner at the center of the circle

A rectangle can be seen as a figure composed of countless divisions of a circle. Its width is 18.84 △ 3.14 = 6 meters, so its area is 18.84 × 6 = 113.04 square meters

High school function range,
2x ,x0
A .-1/4 B -4 C 1/4 D 4
2x ,x0
A .-1/4 B -4 C 1/4 D 4

So g (2) = f (2)
F (x) is an odd function


When - 1