What is the remainder of the result of 2006 times 2007 times 2008 divided by 7?

What is the remainder of the result of 2006 times 2007 times 2008 divided by 7?

Take a number close to 2006, 2007, 2008, which can also be divided by 7 as 2002, and then solve the problem 2006 × 2007 × 2008 = (2002 + 4) × 2007 × 2008 = 2002 × 2007 × 2008 + 4 × 2007 × 2008. The first half can be divided by 7, so the remainder can only be generated in the second half

We will make 1 × 2 × 3 × 5! = 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5; 100! = 1 × 2 × 3 × Let s = 1 × 1! + 2 × 2! + 3 × 3! + +2007 × 2007!, then the remainder of s divided by 2008 is ()
A. 0B. 1C. 1004D. 2007

Let k = 1! + 2! + 3! + +2007!, then S + k = 1 × 1! + 2 × 2! + 3 × 3! + +2007×2007!+1!+2!+3!+… +2007!=(1+1)1!+(2+1)2!+(3+1)3!+… +(2007+1)2007!=2×1!+3×2!+4×3!+… +2007×2006!+2008×2007!=2!+3!+… +2007!+2008×2007!...

1 divided by (2 divided by 3) divided by (3 divided by 4) divided by. (2007 divided by 2008)
Explain the process in detail and make every step clear
"/" is a division sign

1 / (2 / 3) / (3 / 4) /. / (2007 / 2008) = (1 * 3 / 2) / (3 / 4) / / / (2007 / 2008) = (1 * 3 / 2 * 4 / 3)) / ((4 / 5) /. / (2007 / 2008) = (1 * 3 / 2 * 4 / 3 * 5 / 4 * 6 / 5 * 7 / 6 *. * 2008 / 2007) all items are about to be deleted, and the remaining head and tail = 1 / 2 * 2008 = 1004

There is a rectangle whose length has increased by two fifths and width has decreased by one fourth. The area of the new rectangle has increased by several fifths

There is a rectangle, the length is increased by two fifths, the width is reduced by one fourth, and the area of the new rectangle is increased by 7 / 5 * 3 / 4-1 = 1 / 20

Error prone topics in units 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of Mathematics Evaluation Manual Volume 2

General solution of (y ^ 2-x) dy / DX + y = 0


By observing the packaging of food, we can get the information about this kind of food, which is convenient for us to understand the () method of food, and our diet is no longer (). The () on the packaging provides us with scientific () nutrition

By observing the package of food, we can get the information about this kind of food
Our diet is no longer unclean. The introduction on the package helps us with scientific food nutrition

There is a cylinder stake, cut along the diameter, the section is a square, the circumference of the bottom of the cylinder is 6.28 cm

6.28 △ 3.14 = 2 (decimeter), 3.14 × (2 △ 2) 2 × 2 = 3.14 × 1 × 2 = 6.28 (cubic centimeter), a: the volume of the cylinder is 6.28 cubic centimeter

What's the symbol in the middle of four threes equal to five
3 3 3 3=5


Finding the second order partial derivative of the function z = XLN (x + y)

The second partial derivative has four Z '', XX = (Lin (x + y) + X / (x + y)) '= 1 / (x + y) + Y / (x + y) ^ 2