888... 8 (50 8's) multiplied by 666... 6 (50 6's), divided by 7, what is the remainder?

888... 8 (50 8's) multiplied by 666... 6 (50 6's), divided by 7, what is the remainder?

48 to the 100th power

If a + B = 4, then 12a2 + AB + 12b2=______ .

12a2 + AB + 12b2 = 12 (A2 + 2Ab + B2) = 12 (a + b) 2 = 12 × 42 = 8

In the three-year plan, an enterprise plans to increase the output value of each year from the second year to the previous year by the same amount, and the total output value of the three years is 3 million yuan. If the first year, the second year and the third year are 100000, 100000 and 110000 more than the original plan, then the increase percentage of the output value of each year is the same as that of the previous year?

The original plan is x in the first year, x + y in the second year and X + 2Y in the third year
The equation x + X + y + X + 2Y = 300 is reduced to x + y = 100
At present, the output value of the first year is x + 10, the second year is x + y + 10, and the third year is x + 2Y + 11
The growth percentage is the same, i.e. Y / (x + 10) = (y + 1) / (x + y + 10)
Y = 10
Then x = 90
According to the original plan, the output value in the first year will be 900000, that in the second year will be 1 million, and that in the third year will be 1.1 million

Who can help me solve these two problems: 1. A cylinder, if its height is truncated by 6 cm, its surface area will be reduced by 75.36 square cm, and its volume will be reduced by how much
The inner diameter of the water pipe is 2 cm, and the flow rate of water in the pipe is 5 cm per second. A student went to the pool to wash his hands and forgot to turn off the tap when he left. How many liters of water were wasted in 5 minutes?

Question 2: 3.14 * 1 * 1 * 5 * 5 * 60 / 1000 = 4.71
Question 1: r = 75.36 / 2 * 3.14 * 6 = 2

What is the phase of the moon when it passes between the sun and the earth in astronomy?
It's urgent. Come on,

New moon is new moon

Please help me to finish these two physics calculation problems
1. When the sliding rheostat moves between two points in the circuit, the indication of the ammeter is between 1a and 2a, and the indication of the voltmeter is between 7.2V and 10V, what is the resistance value of the constant resistance R?
2. The power supply voltage remains unchanged. When the switch S is closed, the slide P of sliding rheostat R0 is moving. The variation range of voltage indication is 0 to 4V, and the variation range of current indication is 0.5 to 1a
(1) The resistance of R;
(2) The maximum resistance of R0;
(3) Supply voltage?


Two squares of the same size are put together to form a rectangle. The perimeter of the rectangle is 8 decimeters less than that of the original two squares
How many centimeters is it?

Draw a picture below, we can see that a rectangle is besieged by the six sides of the original square. The perimeter of the rectangle is 8 decimeters less than the sum of the perimeter of the original two squares, that is, two sides are reduced. Therefore, the side length of the original square is 8 / 2 = 4 decimeters, and the perimeter is 4 * 4 = 16 decimeters

Simple calculation 7.6 × 8.2-3.8 × 6.4


The function f (x) = (x + a) / (X & # 178; + b) is an odd function defined on R, whose range is [- 1 / 4,1 / 4]
The function f (x) = (x + a) / (X & # 178; + b) is an odd function defined on R, whose range is [- 1 / 4,1 / 4], and the value of a and B is calculated?
Because it is an odd function, then the function value at 0 is 0. How can we find out that a is 0, and then B?

F (x) = x / (X & # 178; + b) (numerator and denominator divided by X at the same time, X is not equal to 0)
∵ the value range is [- 1 / 4,1 / 4], ∵ b > 0
Therefore, denominator x + B / X ≥ 4, or ≤ - 4
So B = 4 (using the basic inequality, x + B / X ≥ 2 √ b)

The small house is composed of equilateral triangle and square. The perimeter of this figure is 32 cm. How many cm is the side length of the square

Let X be the side length of triangle and y be the side length of square,
Then perimeter = 32 = 3 * x - y + 3 * y = 3 * x + 2 * y
Should there be other known conditions? We can continue to consider this idea