Multiplication and division of 2x + y divided by 4x square-4xy + y square divided by (4x square-y trivial) fraction It's a process

Multiplication and division of 2x + y divided by 4x square-4xy + y square divided by (4x square-y trivial) fraction It's a process


Given that f (x) = x square + ax + 3-A, if x belongs to [- 2,2], f (x) is equal to or greater than 0, the value range of a is obtained

Parabolic opening upward
Axis of symmetry x = - A / 2
If - A / 24
When x = - 2
A parabola has a minimum
In this case, f (x) = 4-2a + 3-A = 7-3a is greater than or equal to 0
A is less than or equal to 7 / 3
Contradiction with a > 4
Give up
If - A / 2 belongs to [- 2,2]
When a belongs to [- 4,4]
When x = - A / 2
A parabola has a minimum
In this case, f (x) = a ^ 2 / 4-A ^ 2 / 2 + 3-A = - A ^ 2 / 4-A + 3 is greater than or equal to 0
That is, a ^ 2 + 4a-12 is less than or equal to 0
A belongs to [- 6,2]
So a belongs to [- 4,2]
If - A / 2 > 2
That is a

In the vertical calculation of 0.53/0.14, the quotient of division is 4, what is the remainder?
How do you calculate that?
There is one answer
Is the 0.53/0.14 quotient 4?
Respondent: xmrs_ Tqcl - manager level 5
This question is so strange


The limit of (√ (1 + xsinx) - cosx) / x ^ 2 when x approaches 0

5x of 6 + 7 of 8 = 2

Multiply by 24
X = 27 / 20 & nbsp; (27 / 20)

5 / 8 of a barrel of oil is exactly 15 kg. How many kg does this barrel of oil weigh?
Formula calculation!

Suppose the barrel of oil weighs XKG, then 5 / 8x = 15, x = 15x8 / 5, x = 24kg

Limx → 0 1 / X does not exist, right? Because the limit is unique!
Limx → 0 1 / X does not exist, right? Because the limit is unique!
The results of X → + 0 and X → - 0 are different. Does it not exist?
Is this different from limx → infinity 1 / x = 0? What's the matter? How is it encircled
Remember limx → 0 1 / x = ∞ it seems wrong to think about it today
Limx → 0 1 / X doesn't exist, does it? Because limit is unique!

Generally speaking, the limit value cannot be infinite. If the limit value can be infinite, then
limx→+0 1/x=+∞
limx→-0 1/x=-∞
So limx → 0 1 / x = ∞ can be written like this, ∞ stands for infinity, which can be positive infinity or negative infinity

A problem with comma expression,
The process of making questions in the book seems to be like this: first calculate the brackets, then the comma expression, and the comma expression is from left to right, that is, first calculate a = 2, then calculate a + +, and finally assign the value of a + + to y as the value of the comma expression,
My problem is that I can understand it by calculating () first, because the priority is higher, but the two expressions in it are higher than the comma expression. So I feel that I should calculate a + + first, because the priority of adding and subtracting is higher than the assignment operator, then calculate a = 2, and finally calculate the comma expression. I know it's wrong, but I really can't understand the specific meaning of priority,

The two expressions are included in the comma expression, so they have to operate according to the operation rules of the comma expression,
The operation order of comma expression is from left to right, so first calculate a = 2, that is, assign 2 to a, then calculate a + + and finally assign y, ha ha

Sentences describing the scenery of the Three Gorges
A poem describing the scenery of the Three Gorges
In Li Daoyuan's "Three Gorges" lesson
The sentences that express the Three Gorges risk are:
The sentences that express the Three Gorges are:

The poems describing the scenery of the Three Gorges should be as follows:
In spring and winter, you can see the green pool and the clear reflection. There are many strange cypresses, hanging springs and waterfalls. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery
The sentences that express the Three Gorges risk are:
As for the summer water Xiangling, along the trace block
Three Gorges narrow sentence is: Double rock peaks, hidden sky block out the sun, since the pavilion midnight, do not see the sun

Problems in the proof of Taylor formula
For PN (x) = A0 + A1 (x-x0) + A2 (x-x0) ^ 2 + An (x-x0) ^ n how to get A0 = PN (x0) 1 · A1 = p'n (x0) 2 · A2 = p'n (x0)

Substituting x0 into PN (x) gives PN (x0) = A0
For the first derivative of PN (x), PN '(x) = a1 + 2A2 (x-x0) + 3a3 (x-x0) ^ 2 +... + Nan (x-x0) ^ {n-1}
So PN '(x0) = A1
If we find the derivation again, we get PN '' (x) = 2A2 + 6a3 (x-x0) +... + n (n-1) (x-x0) ^ {n-2}
So PN '' (x0) = 2A2