How to solve the equation of 20% X (1 25%) 20% x 12 = 1 / 2x 2

How to solve the equation of 20% X (1 25%) 20% x 12 = 1 / 2x 2

Is the question wrong, isn't it
0.2x + 0.2x + 0.05x + 12 = 0.5x + 2 (decimal calculation)

The following equations are solved: 1, (2x-1) ^ 2 = 25.2, (x + 2) ^ 2 = (2x + 1) ^ 2

1. (2x-1) ^ 2 = 25. (2x-1) ^ 2-25 = 0 (2x-1 + 5) (2x-1-5) = 02x + 4 = 0 or 2x-6 = 0x = - 2 or x = 32, (x + 2) ^ 2 = (2x + 1) ^ 2. (x + 2) ^ 2 - (2x + 1) ^ 2 = 0 (x + 2 + 2x + 1) (x + 2-2x-1) = 03x + 3 = 0 or - x + 1 = 0x = - 1 or x = 1 3, 9 (x + 3) ^ 2 = (2x-5) ^ 2.9 (x + 3) ^ 2 - (2x-5) ^ 2 = 0 [3 (x

4 / 9 divided by x equals 4 / 7 (equation)

Replace 4 / 9 with "&" & x = 4 / 74 / 9 = 4x / 736x = 28x = 7 / 9

Monomial formula multiplied by monomial formula
The formula of monomial multiplied by polynomial the formula of polynomial multiplied by polynomial

Monomial multiplication polynomial a {a + C} = AB + AC polynomial multiplication polynomial {a + B} × {C + D} = AC + AD + BC + BD

Let l be the positive circle x2 + y2 = 9, then the curve integral ∮ L (2xy-2y) DX + (x2-4x) dy=______ .

Let d be the interior of the circle L, P = 2xy-2y, q = x2-4x. Using Green's formula, ∮ L (2xy-2y) DX + (x2-4x) dy = ∬ D (∂ Q ∂ x − P ∂ y) DXDY = ∬ D ((2x − 4) − (2x − 2) DXDY = - 2 ∬ ddxdy = - 18 π

What is the difference between the light reaction stage and the dark reaction stage
What are the differences between the light reaction stage and the dark reaction stage in terms of the required conditions, place, material changes and energy conversion?
And what's the relationship between matter and energy between the light reaction stage and the dark reaction stage?

The differences and relations between light reaction and dark reaction: ① place: light reaction is on the laminar membrane of chloroplast grana, and dark reaction is in the matrix of chloroplast. ② condition: light reaction needs pigments and enzymes such as light and chlorophyll, and dark reaction needs many related enzymes. ③ material change: light reaction produces photolysis of water and formation of ATP, The dark reaction takes place the fixation of CO2 and the reduction of C3 compounds. ④ energy change: light energy → active chemical energy in ATP in the dark reaction, active chemical energy in ATP → stable chemical energy in CH2O in the dark reaction. ⑤ connection: the product of the light reaction [H] is the reducing agent of CO2 in the dark reaction, ATP provides energy for the dark reaction, ADP and PI produced by the dark reaction provide raw materials for the formation of ATP in the light reaction

Simple calculation of 0.99 + 0.01 × (5-3.8)


If | FA | = 2 | FB |, then k = ()
A. 13B. 23C. 23D. 223

The parabola C: y2 = 8x is l: x = - 2 straight line, y = K (x + 2) (K \\\| = 2 124124 = 2 | FB |, then 124| = 2 124; am = 2 124\| BN |, point B is the midpoint of AP, connecting ob, then | ob \124; = 12 | AF |, | ||||||||124;|||124;\124;\|||\124;therefore, D is selected because − 01 − (− 2) = 223

What is the relationship between the volume of a cuboid and that of a cylinder

It's the bottom area times the height
If the two are of the same height, the larger the bottom area is, the larger the volume is
If the bottom area of the two is the same, the volume of the high is larger

What's ninety-nine and thirteen percent twelve times five
Just calculate the answer directly
Another problem is that 20 kg is one fifth less than ()

Ninety nine and twelve thirteen times five
=499 and 8 / 13