If the electron ant P starts from point B and moves to the left at the speed of 6 unit length / s, and the other electron ant Q starts from point a and moves to the left at the speed of 4 unit length / s, let two electron ants meet at point D on the number axis. Do you know the number of point d?

If the electron ant P starts from point B and moves to the left at the speed of 6 unit length / s, and the other electron ant Q starts from point a and moves to the left at the speed of 4 unit length / s, let two electron ants meet at point D on the number axis. Do you know the number of point d?

How do you determine the time when you are not sure about the distance between ab points

A suit of clothes is 960 yuan. (1) pants are 320 yuan cheaper than the top, how much are the top and pants? (2) the price of the top is twice that of the pants, how much are the top and pants
There should be a formula

1) Top: (960 + 320) △ 2 = 640
Pants: 960-640 = 320
2) Pants: 960 (2 + 1) = 320
Top: 960-320 = 640

When 0

When 0

40m3 = () cubic decimeter

40 cubic meters = (40000) cubic decimeters

At the same time, the passenger car and the freight car leave from the two places. In five hours, the two cars meet on the way. At this time, the freight car has traveled 225 kilometers, and it takes eight hours for the passenger car to complete the whole journey. Is the distance between them?
A passenger car and a freight car leave the two places at the same time. Five hours later, the two cars meet on the way. At this time, the freight car has traveled 225 kilometers, and it takes 8 hours for the passenger car to complete the whole journey. How many kilometers are there between the two places?

V cargo = 225 △ 5 = 45km / h
Let the speed of the bus be XKM / h
The distance between the two places is (45 + 75) × 5 = 120 × 5 = 600km

The density of wood is 0.6g/cm3, and the density of ice is 0.9g/cm3. If they are equal in volume and float on the water, the buoyancy of wood will be less than 0.6g/cm3______ The buoyancy of the ice, the volume of the wood above the water______ The volume of ice above the water surface

According to the Formula M = ρ V, the mass of the ice is greater than that of the wood; the wood and the ice are all floating, and the buoyancy is equal to its own gravity; because the gravity of the wood is less than that of the ice, the buoyancy of the wood is less than that of the ice; root

How to calculate 2.5x-4.7 = 5.3


The side area of a cylinder is 87.92 square centimeters, and its height is 2 centimeters. How many square centimeters is the surface area and how many cubic centimeters is the volume of this cylinder?

The results show that the circumference of the cylinder bottom is C = 87.92/2 = 43.96cm, the radius is r = 43.96/2/3.14 = 7cm, the bottom area is s = 3.14 * 49 = 153.86cm & sup2;, the volume is v = 153.86 * 2 = 307.72cm & sup3;, and the surface area is 153.86 * 2 + 87.92 = 395.64cm & sup2;

It is known that 4 / 3 times a = 5 / 6 times b = C times 1, and a, B, C are not equal to 0. Please arrange a, B, C in the order from large to small

That is 8A = 5B = 6C
So b > C > a

Solve this high school inequality math problem
If a > b > C, what is the maximum value of K for inequality 1 / A-B + 1 / B-C ≥ K / a-c

To make the original inequality hold
We only need to prove that 1 / (a-b) + 1 / (B-C) - K / (A-C) > = 0
That is 1 / (a-b) + (a-b) + 1 / (B-C) + (B-C) - K / (A-C) - (A-C) > = 0
And the above formula > = 2 + 2-2 √ K
Just prove 2 + 2-2 √ k > = 0
So kmax = 4