The two trains run in opposite directions from 120km away. The speed of a is 84km / h, and that of B is 60km / h How long does it take for the two cars to be 24km apart

The two trains run in opposite directions from 120km away. The speed of a is 84km / h, and that of B is 60km / h How long does it take for the two cars to be 24km apart

Let's say that after X hours, it is 24 km away from each other after meeting
A: after one hour, the distance between the two cars is 24km

How to solve the equation of 5.2x = 26?


From Liuzhou to Beihai, they meet 480 kilometers away. There are two trains running from the two places at the same time. After five hours, they meet, and a and B are very happy
The speed of the two cars is 7:5. What's the speed of the two cars?

[7 + 5] * = 480 / 5 is equivalent to [480 divided by 5] divided by [7 + 5] = (that is, x)
Multiply X by 7 and 5
A 56 B 40
What the people above said is wrong
==So - 1 unit speed = 96 / 12 = 8 km / h
This can't be 1 unit speed, there's no such explanation in mathematics!
96 km / h is the common one hour journey of Party A and Party B

Move the decimal point of a decimal one place to the right to get a new number, and the new number is 25.2 more than the original number. How much is the new number

Move the decimal point of a decimal one place to the right, and the number will be expanded 10 times
So the original number is 25.2 (10-1) = 2.8
The new number is 2.8 * 10 = 28

The speed of a car is 47 times that of a train. Two cars are running from two places at the same time, and they meet at a distance of 15 kilometers from the midpoint. How many kilometers does the train travel?

The distance of the whole journey: 15 △ 74 + 7-12, = 15 △ 322, = 110 (km), the distance of the train: 110 × 711 = 70 (km). A: at this time, the train runs 70 km

In the triangle ABC, if acosb + bcosc + ccosa = bcosa + ccosb + acosc, we find the shape of the triangle?

In the triangle ABC, if acosb + bcosc + ccosa = bcosa + ccosb + acosc, we find the shape of the triangle?
The equation deformation is (A-C) CoSb + (B-A) COSC + (C-B) cosa = 0. Because cosa is a = cos [π - (B + C)] = - cos (B + C) (B + C)] = - cos (B + C) = sinbssinc-cosb COSC, a = [BB + cc-2bbccosa] = [BB + cc-2bc-2bcc-2bc (sinbssinsinc-coscoscosb COSC, a = 0. Because cosa is a = cos [cos [π - (B + B + B + B + cc-2bc-2bc (sinbssinbssinbcsinc-coscoscoscosbcc) - cosb-cosb-cosb-cosb + (b-cosb + (B - (B - [BB + CC + cc-cc-2b-2bbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcsinbssinbssinbssinbssinbssinbcsinbcsinsinc-c-c-c-c-coscoscoscoscosb bcosc) = 0

The length of train a and train B are 144m and 180m, and train a runs 4m more per second than train B. the two trains are facing each other, and it takes 9s from meeting to staggering. What's the speed of the two trains?

Suppose car B travels XM per second, then car a Travels (x + 4) m per second. According to the meaning of the question, we get: 9 (x + X + 4) = 144 + 180, sort out: 2x = 32, solve: x = 16, then car a travels 20m per second, car B travels 16m per second

The average number of the five numbers is 40. The average number of the first three numbers is 45, and the average number of the last three numbers is 30. What's the number in the middle?

Sum of the first three numbers = 45 * 3 = 135
Sum of the last two numbers = 40 * 5-135 = 65
Sum of the last three numbers = 30 * 3 = 90
So the middle = 90-65 = 25
Hope to help you_ ∩)O~

When they set out, their speed ratio was 3:2. After their first meeting, a's speed increased by 20%, and B's speed increased by 30%. In this way, when a arrives at B, B is still 14 kilometers away from a, so how many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

Suppose the distance between a and B is SKM, and the speed of a and B is 3x and 2x respectively. When a and B meet for the first time, the distance they take is 3s5 = 0.6skm and 2s5 = 0.4skm respectively. According to the time series equation of a to B after meeting: 0.4s3x (1 + 20%) = 0.6s − 142x (1 + 30%), s = 45km. A: the distance between a and B is 45km

Using mathematical induction to prove the inner angle sum of convex n-polygon f (n) = (n-2) 180 ° (n ≥ 3)
Using mathematical induction to prove the inner angle sum of convex n-polygon f (n) = (n-2) 180 ° (n ≥ 3)
When n = K + 1, I don't know

Proof: obviously, because the least number of sides in a polygon is a triangle, and the number of sides of a polygon is n, then n ≥ 3. So the title can be translated as "the sum of the interior angles of a convex n-sided shape (n ≥ 3) is equal to 180o (n-2)". Step 1: when n = 3, a convex n-sided shape is a triangle