Which is colder, zero degree water or zero degree ice? Zero degree ice melts into zero degree water to absorb heat. Why doesn't the temperature rise? How does energy transform in this process?

Which is colder, zero degree water or zero degree ice? Zero degree ice melts into zero degree water to absorb heat. Why doesn't the temperature rise? How does energy transform in this process?

First of all, the temperature is the same, and the answer is yes. But the macro feeling is that ice is colder. Because when we touch ice, it melts and takes away some heat, so it feels colder. This reason is just like that we are scalded by 100 degree water and steam. Steam scalding is more serious. Because steam liquefies and releases part of the heat when it touches us
From the point of view of physics, temperature is a macro concept of the micro world. Molecules have both molecular kinetic energy and molecular potential energy when they do thermal motion. The main factor determining the temperature is molecular kinetic energy. When ice melts into water, the heat absorbed is mainly used to change the molecular potential energy. In the macro view, the structure changes, ice changes into water, the state property of the object changes, and the density also changes

What is the unit of MAH / g

We should present the formula to judge
If M is the mass, a is the acceleration, h is the height, and G is the acceleration of gravity, the units of a and G can be reduced, and finally MH is left. The units are kg and m respectively, and kg · m is not the unit of any physical quantity

Given the function f (x) = LG (a ^ X-B ^ x), (a > 1 > b > 0), answer the following questions:
Ask if there are real numbers a and B. when x belongs to (1, positive infinity), the range of F (x) is (0, positive infinity), and f (2) = LG2? If there are, find out the values of a and B. if not, explain the reason

The solution comes from the problem
The function f (x) = LG (a ^ X-B ^ x) belongs to (1, positive infinite) increasing function in X,
So when x belongs to (1, positive infinity), the range of F (x) is (0, positive infinity)
That is, f (1) = LG (a-b) = 0
That is, A-B = 1
Then f (2) = LG2
That is, f (2) = LG (A & # 178; - B & # 178;) = LG2
That is, a & # 178; - B & # 178; = 2. (2)
From (1) and (2)

How to judge west longitude, east longitude, south latitude and north latitude quickly

East longitude is east longitude, west longitude is west longitude
Or along the direction of geographical rotation, the east longitude increases and the west longitude decreases
North latitude is to the north of the equator, south latitude is to the south of the equator, or south latitude is to the south when the degree increases from the bottom up

Given that the sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 15 more than the sum of two identical even numbers, find three consecutive odd numbers
The formula (regular) had better have explanation!

The three odd numbers are x + 2, x + 4
Even number x + 1 x + 3
(x + X + 2 + X + 4) - (x + 1 + X + 3) = 15 (x + X + 2 + X + 4) is the sum of three odd numbers, and (x + 1 + X + 3) is the sum of two even numbers
According to the proposal, that's 15 percent of the subtraction
So these three odd numbers are 13, 15, 17

Given that t is a real root of the equation x ^ 3-3x + P = 0 (P is a real number): (1) when p is a value, there are exactly two unequal real numbers in the above equation
(2) It is proved that when the above equation has only one real root, | P | is greater than 2

Because t is a root of the equation, then the original equation can be written as (x-t) (AX & # 178; + BX + C) = 0, where a, B and C are real numbers
So p = 3t-t & # 179;
(1) The equation has two unequal real roots
Because there is already a T
Then x & # 178; + TX + T & # 178; - 3 = 0 has only one solution, that is △ = 0
So t & # 178; - 4T & # 178; + 12 = 0
So p = ± 2
When t = 2, P = - 2, the original equation is: X & # 179; - 3x-2 = 0
X = 2 or x = - 1
When t = - 2, P = 2, the original equation is: X & # 179; - 3x + 2 = 0
X = - 2 or x = 1
(2) When the equation has only one real root
Because there is already a T
Then x & # 178; + TX + T & # 178; - 3 = 0 has no real number solution, that is, △ 2 or T4
So 3-T &; 2

12 ha = () km2
7 square meters = () square decimeters
8000 M2 = () ha
37000 M = () km
12 ha = () m2
300 decimeters = () meters
7 sq km = () ha
2.08 km2 = () ha
0.6 M = () cm
2.15kg = () g
7.8 square decimeter = () square centimeter
54 ha = () km2
3.2 ha = () m2
85 m = () decimeter
1.6cm = () mm
90 ha = () km2
7.5km = () M
4.3 ha = () m2
4750g = () kg
630m = () km
50 Jiao = () yuan
40000 sq m = () ha
0.09 ton = () kg

12 hectares = (0.12) square kilometers 7 square meters = (7000) square decimeters 8000 square meters = (0.8) hectares 37000 meters = (37) kilometers 12 hectares = (120000) square meters 300 decimeters = (30) meters 7 square kilometers = (700) hectares 2.08 square kilometers = (208) hectares 0.6 meters = (60) cm 2.15

9 = 3, 25 = 5, 121 = 11 Let's call these numbers 9, 16, 25 and 121 perfect squares
How many perfect squares are there from 1 to 1999?

Because: the square of 44 = 1936, the square of 45 = 2025,
So: in 1999, there are 44 perfect square numbers

F (x) = - x ^ / 2 + 13 / 2, in the range of a ≤ x ≤ B, the minimum value is 2a, the maximum value is 2B, find the real number pair (a, b)
F (x) = - x ^ / 2 + 13 / 2, in the range of a ≤ x ≤ B, the minimum value is 2a, the maximum value is 2B, finding the real number pair (a, b) is normally discussed in three cases, but why does the book write 0 ≤ a < B, and (a < B ≤ 0) the last one he wrote, I can't understand. If that plus sign, can't f (a) be the maximum

It can be seen from the image that the symmetry axis is y-axis, and the maximum value is 13 / 2
When a

1: 2000 meters how to draw line scale ah? The best direct view of the map

First, draw a line of 2-3cm, then draw a short line of 1-2mm at both ends of the line and at the top of each whole centimeter (the length can also be staggered), mark 0 at the starting point, mark 2000 at 1cm, mark 4000 at 2cm In the following figure, 1 cm represents a line segment scale of 10 km