At least 1024 minus how much is a multiple of three

At least 1024 minus how much is a multiple of three

Minus one is a multiple of three

The derivative at the piecewise point of a function
Suppose the piecewise function is FX = {FX, - 1

Can we deduce that FX must be right continuous at x = - 1 and left continuous at x = 1
Why? --- this needs to be determined according to the continuity of F (x) itself

How to calculate simply 2222 * 9999 3334 * 3333

=11112222 .

Write digital fairy tale, urgent
5 points for good friends

0 is the king of the digital kingdom. He has the greatest ability. No one is afraid to attack him except himself (0 divided by any number that is not 0, the result is 0). One day, nine brothers of the bandits in Qingtian stronghold

The coefficients in the numerator and denominator of the fraction 0.25x + 0.4y / 0.2x-0.5y are reduced to the simplest integer with the smallest absolute value

Multiply up and down by the least common multiple 20 of 0.25, 0.4, 0.2, 0.5

1+3+5+…… +99-(2+4+6+…… +98+100)

1+3+5+…… +99-(2+4+6+…… +98+100)
=(1-2)+(3-4)+…… +(99-100)
= -1×50
= -50

No matter a and B are any rational numbers, the value of a ^ 2 + B ^ 2-2a-4b + C is always non negative. What is the minimum value of C and how to calculate it

That is, a ^ 2 + B ^ 2-2a-4b + C ≥ 0 (a ^ 2-2a + 1) + (b ^ 2-4b + 4) + C-5 ≥ 0 (A-1) ^ 2 + (b-2) ^ 2 + C-5 ≥ 0 (A-1) ^ 2 and (b-2) ^ 2 are non negative numbers, so the minimum value of (A-1) ^ 2 + (b-2) ^ 2 is 0, that is, C-5 ≥ 0, that is, the minimum value of C is 5

If one root of the equation x ^ 2-3x + k = 0 about X is twice the other root, then the value of K is zero

Let one be x, then the other be 2x

How many hours does it take for a car with a carrying capacity of 5 tons to travel 76 kilometers in 1.6 hours

The speed of the car is 76 △ 1.6 = 47.5 km / h
The time needed to travel 120 km is 120 △ 47.5 ≈ 2.53 hours

LIM (x ^ 2-2x + 1) / V (x + 1) - V (2) x tends to 1

0 / 0, with lobida