How to calculate 1.5x + 20 = 1x (50-x)?

How to calculate 1.5x + 20 = 1x (50-x)?


How to calculate 1.5x-1 = x + 1?


The definite integral (0,1) process of 2 / (x + 1)

Original function = 2ln (x + 1), definite integral = 2ln2

The desert is full of smoke--------------
There are times when the wind blows through the waves-------------------
The flowers are becoming charming-------------------
----------------The return of Yan
(--- for blank)

1. Long river falls yen
2. Sail straight to the sea
3. Only a little grass can make a horse's hoof disappear
4. Helpless, the flowers fall

If a and B are two adjacent non-zero natural numbers, the greatest common factor of these two numbers

It's 1

Is 0 a natural number or an integer?

0 is a natural number and an integer
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Fill in the blanks in the first row () 3 2 1 second row () 4 () 2 third row () 1 4 3 fourth row () () 1 4

First row (4) 3 2 1 second row (1) 4 (3) 2 third row (2) 1 4 3 fourth row (3) (2) 1 4

Divide natural numbers from 1 to 30 into two groups, so that the product a of all numbers in the first group can be divided by the product B of all numbers in the second group, then the minimum value of a / B is
A 1077205 B1077207 C 1077209 D 1077211

The natural numbers from 1 to 30 are divided into two groups, so that the product a of all numbers in the first group can be divided by the product B of all numbers in the second group,
The minimum value of a / B is (a) 1077205

Calculation: 3 times root sign 1000-1 / 5 root sign 2 and 1 / 4 + 1 / 2 root sign 0.01-3 times root sign - 3 and 3 / 8
Radical 3 + π - 2 / 3 (accurate to 0.01)

The root number of 3 times is 1000-1 / 5 root number 2 and 1 / 4 + 1 / 2 root number 0.01-3 root number - 3 and 3 / 8
Radical 3 + π - 2 / 3 (accurate to 0.01)

what letter shuold appear next?

What letter should appear next?