x÷(120-x)=20% X=?

x÷(120-x)=20% X=?

x=2 0

How to solve 3 / 4 * x + x-20 = 120


A developer purchases a house by installment payment. Xiaoming's family has bought a new house with a current price of 120000 yuan, which requires a down payment of 30000 yuan. From the second year, the sum of the annual payable 5000 yuan and the interest of the remaining debt of the previous year, the annual profit of the remaining money is known to be 0.4%. What year does Xiaoming's family need to pay 5200 yuan?
5200 yuan after X years
The rest is up to you!

For example, in the second year, Xiaoming's family has paid 30000 yuan (down payment), and there is 90000 yuan left. The interest of the money is 90000 × 0.4% = 360 yuan. Plus 5000 yuan, Xiaoming needs to pay 5360 yuan in the second year

Arrange the positive integers according to the rule shown in the figure. If the ordered real number pair (n, m) represents the nth row and the m-th number from left to right, such as (4, 2) represents the real number 9, then the ordered real number pair of real number 17 is______ .

The number of numbers in each row is the number of rows. The odd row is from left to right, from small to large, while the even row is from left to right, from large to small. If the real number 15 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5, then 17 is in the sixth row and the fifth position, that is, its coordinate is (6,5). So the answer is: (6,5)

Integers with absolute values greater than 3 but less than 7 have ()
(the probability of being selected as the best answer is very high.)

Absolute value: must be greater than or equal to 0,
The absolute values of ± 4, ± 5 and ± 6 are 4, 5 and 6 respectively
The absolute values of these numbers are greater than 3 and less than 7

As shown in the figure, the sunlight shines into the classroom through the window, and the vertical window frame leaves a shadow of 2.1m long on the ground. As shown in the figure, the distance CE from the shadow De of the window frame to the foot of the wall under the window is known to be 3.9m, and the distance BC from the bottom edge of the window to the ground is 1.2m. Try to calculate the height of the window. (that is, the value of AB)

Because the sunlight is parallel light, that is AE ‖ BD, so ∠ AEC = ∠ BDC. Because ∠ C is the common angle, so △ AEC ∽ BDC, so ACBC = ECDC. AC = AB + BC, DC = ec-ed, EC = 3.9, ed = 2.1, BC = 1.2, so AB + 1.21.2 = 3.93.9 − 2.1, ab = 1.4 (m)

Put 100 beads into several boxes, the number of each box is different, and the box is not empty. How many boxes can be loaded at most?


How many meters is 60 cm


If you add the divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder to get 206, what is the divisor? (use equation solution)

Let the divisor be X. because the quotient of the divisor divided by the divisor is 8 and the remainder is 9, the divisor should be equal to:
Divisor × quotient + remainder, that is to say, the divisor is equal to 8x + 9, and by adding the divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder to get 206, the equation is as follows:
8x+9 + x +8 +9 = 206
solve equations:
A: then the divisor is 20
That is, the divisor, the divisor added to 189
Because the quotient is 8, the divisor is 8 times the divisor, that is, 189 is 9 times the divisor
189 △ 9 = 21 divisor 21 divisor 177
I'm sorry, I didn't see it. It's to be supplemented by equation
If the divisor is x, the divisor is 8x + 9
The solution is x = 21
If the divisor is x, the divisor is 8x + 9
A: the divisor is 21

Measure a well with two red and yellow ropes. The red rope is 5 meters less than the well depth, and the yellow rope is 3 meters less than the well depth. If the two ropes are connected, the rope length is 20% more than the well depth. How many meters is the well depth?
The area of a small rectangle is 3 / 8 of that of a large square. The shadow of a large rectangle is 40 square centimeters more than that of a small rectangle. Find the area of a small rectangle

The red rope is x meters, the yellow rope is y meters;
Then: x + 5 = y + 3;
The solution of the two equations is: x = 7; y = 9;
Therefore, the wellhead is 12 meters deep;