A coal train has 20 cars of the same size. No car measures 13 meters long and 2.5 meters wide from the inside, and the height of coal loading is 1.2 meters. If the weight of coal per cubic meter is 1.4 tons, how many tons of coal does the train transport?

A coal train has 20 cars of the same size. No car measures 13 meters long and 2.5 meters wide from the inside, and the height of coal loading is 1.2 meters. If the weight of coal per cubic meter is 1.4 tons, how many tons of coal does the train transport?

13 × 2.5 × 1.2 × 1.4 × 20 = 1092 (tons)
A: a total of 1092 tons of coal were transported
Qiufeng Yanyan answers question o (∩)_ ∩)O
If you don't understand, you can continue to ask this question
If you are satisfied, please choose it as the satisfactory answer in time. Thank you

Xiao Ming and orange juice four times, the first drink 1 / 8, and then filled with water and 1 / 4, and then filled with water to drink half, the fourth full drink, Xiao Ming drink more juice or water

Water: 1 / 8 + 1 / 4 + 1 / 2 = 7 / 8
Orange juice: because the final drink and not added midway, so 1
A: so there is a lot of orange juice

The school bought a batch of new books, of which science and technology tree comic books account for 3 / 20, comic books account for 2 / 3 of story books, 480 story books. How many science and technology books?

480 × 2 / 3 × (1 + 3 / 20) = 368 copies
There are 368 science and technology books
If it helps, please take it. Thank you!

How many hours is three fourths of a day


What is 10 divided by 11 out of 12?


Xiaoming, Xiaojun and Xiaogang have a total of 100 yuan. Xiaoming's money is twice that of Xiaojun, and Xiaogang's money is just 1.5 times that of Xiaoming after using 7 yuan

Let Xiaojun X Yuan, Xiaoming 2x yuan, Xiaogang = 2x * 1.5 + 7 = 3x + 7 yuan
Xiaojun = 15.5 yuan
Xiaoming = 31 yuan
Xiaojun = 15.5 * 3 + 7 = 53.5 yuan

English translation
five hundred and forty-three
three thousand nine hundred and eighty
ninety-eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-one
seven hundred and sixty-eight thousand five hundred and forty
five billion five hundred and fifty-five million five hundred and fifty-five thousand five hundred and fifty-five
two million three hundred and forty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty
eighty-two million three hundred and sixty-four thousand five hundred and eighty
four hundred and five million

543 - Five hundred forty-three3980 - Three thousand nine hundred eighty98721 - Ninety-eight thousand seven hundred twenty-one768540 - Seven hundred sixty eight thousand five hundred forty5555555555 - ...

A skier with a weight of 60kg steps on two skis
The skiers with a weight of 60 kg stand on the horizontal snow surface with two skis under their feet. Each skis weighs 12 N, is 2 m long and 0.1 m wide. The weight of each skis is 10 N / kg
(1) How much pressure does the athlete have on the horizontal snow surface
(2) What is the pressure on the multi-level snow surface of athletes


In a cuboid container 20 decimeters long and 15 decimeters wide, water 20 decimeters deep now sinks into a cube iron block 30 cm long
How deep is the water in the water

Cube iron volume = 30 × 30 × 30 = 27000 cubic centimeter = 27 cubic decimeter
How deep is the water = 27 (20 × 15) + 20 = 20.09 decimeters

3 / 4 times () = 2 / 7 division () = () times 0.2 = 3 - () = () + 1 / 5 = 1

3 / 4 times (4 / 3) = 2 / 7 divided by (2 / 7) = (5) times 0.2 = 3 - (2) = (4 / 5) + 1 / 5 = 1