What is the formula for finding the radius of a circle Given that the area of a circle is π (8a) (M2), find its radius

What is the formula for finding the radius of a circle Given that the area of a circle is π (8a) (M2), find its radius

R = root (8 + a)
Am I right?

What is the equation for the area of a circle

R is the radius of the circle, s = π R ^ 2, which is the square of the radius of 3.14 *

Why is the predicate "one and a half banana" singular?
*One and a half bananas ___ left on the table.
A.was B.were C.had been D.is

"A / an + singular + and a half" is often followed by singular predicate; "one and a half + compound" is often followed by plural predicate
① A year and a half has passed
② One and a half tons of rice are sold
You should choose B

The parabola y = - x2-2x + m, if its vertex is on the X axis, then M=______ .

∵ parabola y = - x2-2x + m, if its vertex is on the X axis, ∵ 4 × (− 1) × m − (− 2) 24 × (− 1) = 0, the solution is m = - 1. So the answer is: - 1

What is the value of 2n power of (- 1) + (- 1) 2m + 1 power + (- 1) 2m-1 power (M is a positive integer, n is a positive integer)?

2n is even, 2m + 1 and 2m-1 are odd
2n power of (- 1) + 2m power of (- 1) + 2m power of (- 1)

Let a be a point on the hyperbola X & # 178 / 36-y & # 178 / 64 = 1, and it is known that the distance from one focus of a to the hyperbola is equal to 15, then the distance from a to the other focus is


The quadratic equation of one variable is solved by factorization

The solution is x + y = 2 or x + y = 1
The solution is x = 4 or x = 3
The solution is x = - 2
The solution is X & # 178; + Y & # 178; = 1
The solution is X-Y = - 3 or X-Y = 2

How to solve 8.2 * 4-9x = 17.5 and 12 (2 + 3x) = 42

The solution is as follows: 8.2 * 4-9x = 17.5, x = (8.2 * 4-17.5) △ 9 = 1.7, so the solution of equation 8.2 * 4-9x = 17.5 is x = 1.712 (2 + 3x) = 42, and the solution of equation 12 (2 + 3x) = 42 is x = 0

In the analysis of parabola y = ax & # 178; + BX + C, when x is, y has maximum and minimum, what is the value?
What is the maximum and what is the minimum?

It's the vertex coordinates
The simplest way to find y is to take x = - B / 2A

If the square of parabola y = x - 4x + m has an intersection with X axis, what is m = then

There is only one intersection, △ 0, and M = 4