Given C = 25.12 cm, find the area of this circle

Given C = 25.12 cm, find the area of this circle

C is the circumference of a circle. If you want to find out the area of a circle, you need to know the radius. Therefore, we can deduce it from the circumference (25.12). Because the circumference of a circle = radius × 2 × 3.41, the radius is equal to 25.12 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 4 (CM). If you know that the radius is 4cm, you can find the area of a circle: 3.14 × 4 & sup2; = 50.24 (CM & sup2;)
A: the area of this circle is 50.24 square centimeters

The area of the big circle is 112.5% of that of the small circle, and the area of the big circle is ()% more than that of the small circle

The area of large circle is 112.5% of that of small circle
The area of a small circle is unit 1
If the area of the big circle is larger than that of the small circle, use (112.5% - 100%) / 1
That is to say, the area of the big circle is more than that of the small circle (). Unit 1 is still a small circle
So the answer is 12.5% more

The radius of small circle and big circle are 2 cm and 5 cm respectively. The area ratio of small circle and big circle is ()
A. 2:5B. 4:10C. 4:25D. 2:10

The area of the small circle is: π × 22 = 4 π, the area of the big circle is: π × 52 = 25 π, the ratio of the area of the small circle to the area of the big circle is: 4 π: 25 π = 4:25, so choose: C

With 16 yuan, I bought 28 stamps of 40 Fen, 60 Fen and 80 Fen. The total price of 40 Fen stamps is the same as that of 60 Fen stamps. How many stamps did I buy?
List the equations,
Here's what I listed: let's set the score of 40, 60 and 80 and buy x, y and Z pieces respectively,

For. X + y + Z = 28, ① 40x + 60y + 80z = 1600, ② 40x = 60y, ③ ① * 80, we get 80x + 80y + 80z = 2240, ④ - ②, we get 40x + 20Y = 640, namely 2x + y = 32, ⑤, we get 4Y = 32 from ③ 40x-60y = 0, namely 2x-3y = 0, ⑥, ⑤ - ⑥, so y = 8, y = 8, x = 12, y = 8, x = 12, z = 8, so x = 12, and y = 8

The trajectory equation of the point with the square difference of the distance between O (0,0), a (C, 0) and the earth constant C is obtained

Set the point as (x, y)
X = (c + 1) / 2, which is a linear equation

It is known that a is a root of the quadratic equation x2-5x + 1 = 0, and the value of A2 + 1A2 is obtained

Substituting x = a into the equation: a2-5a + 1 = 0, that is, a + 1A = 5, the square of both sides is: (a + 1a) 2 = A2 + 1A2 + 2 = 25, then A2 + 1A2 = 23

What does the comparison of steel and electricity production between China and India and the United States show
I'm talking about falling behind

In 2009, China's crude steel output was 567.8 million tons, accounting for 47% of global crude steel output; India's crude steel output was 56.6 million tons; and the United States' crude steel output was 58.1 million tons. In 2009, China's installed power generation capacity was 874000 MW; India's 147000 MW; and the United States's about 1.1 million MW

On the horizontal plane of smooth insulation, there are two small balls with the same charge, which are close to each other. If they are released from rest, the distance between the two balls ()
A. When the distance increases, the Coulomb force increases B. when the distance decreases, the Coulomb force increases C. when the distance increases, the Coulomb force decreases D. when the distance decreases, the Coulomb force decreases

According to the Coulomb's law, the Coulomb force between two spheres with the same charge is f = kqqr2, Q and Q remain unchanged, R increases, f decreases

Today is Wednesday, March 6, 2013. Can you figure out the last day of this month? What day is the 31st?

Do you want arithmetic or common answers
In arithmetic, 31-6 = 25 (days) 25 / 7 = 3 more than 4 weeks, and then count 4 days later, that is Sunday
Another way is to check the number, which is also Sunday

Junior high school requirements for all chemical equations and text expressions!

Chemical reaction equation
Chemical reaction
1. Combustion of magnesium in air: 2mg + O2 ignites 2MgO
2. Combustion of iron in oxygen: 3Fe + 2O2 ignites Fe3O4
3. Combustion of aluminum in air: 4Al + 3O2 ignites 2al2o3
4. Combustion of hydrogen in air: 2h2 + O2 ignites 2H2O
5. Combustion of red phosphorus in air: 4P + 5o2 ignites 2p2o5
6. Sulfur powder burning in air: S + O2 ignites SO2
7. Full combustion of carbon in oxygen: C + O2 ignites CO2
8. Incomplete combustion of carbon in oxygen: 2C + O2 ignites 2CO
9. Carbon dioxide passing through hot carbon layer: C + CO2 high temperature 2CO
10. Combustion of carbon monoxide in oxygen: 2CO + O2 ignites 2co2
11. Reaction of carbon dioxide and water (carbon dioxide into purple litmus test solution): CO2 + H2O = = = H2CO3
12. Quicklime dissolved in water: Cao + H2O = = = Ca (OH) 2
13. Anhydrous copper sulfate as desiccant: CuSO4 + 5H2O = = = = CuSO4 &; 5H2O
14. Combustion of sodium in chlorine: 2Na + Cl2 ignites 2nacl
decomposition reaction
15. Preparation of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide in laboratory: 2h2o2, MnO2, 2H2O + O2 ↑
16. Heating potassium permanganate: 2kmno4 heating k2mno4 + MnO2 + O2 ↑
17. Under the action of direct current, water is electrified by 2H2O, 2h2 ↑ + O2 ↑
18. The carbonic acid is unstable and separated into H2CO3 = = = H2O + CO2 ↑
19. High temperature calcined limestone (carbon dioxide industrial process): CaCO3 high temperature CaO + CO2 ↑
Displacement reaction
20. Reaction of iron with copper sulfate solution: Fe + CuSO4 = = FeSO4 + Cu
21. Reaction of zinc with dilute sulfuric acid (hydrogen production in laboratory): Zn + H2SO4 = = ZnSO4 + H2 ↑
22. Reaction of magnesium with dilute hydrochloric acid: Mg + 2HCl = = = MgCl2 + H2 ↑
23. Reduction of copper oxide by hydrogen: H2 + CuO heating Cu + H2O
24. Reduction of CuO by charcoal: C + 2CuO, high temperature 2Cu + CO2 ↑
25. Methane burning in air: CH4 + 2O2 ignites CO2 + 2H2O
26. Water vapor passes through the hot carbon layer: H2O + C, high temperature H2 + Co
27. Coke reduced iron oxide: 3C + 2fe2o3, high temperature 4Fe + 3co2 ↑
28. Reaction of sodium hydroxide solution with copper sulfate solution: 2naoh + CuSO4 = = Cu (OH) 2 ↓ + Na2SO4
29. Methane burning in air: CH4 + 2O2 ignites CO2 + 2H2O
30. Alcohol burning in air: C2H5OH + 3O2 ignites 2co2 + 3H2O
31. Reduction of copper oxide by carbon monoxide: CO + CuO heating Cu + CO2
32. Carbon monoxide reduced iron oxide: 3Co + Fe2O3, high temperature 2Fe + 3co2
33. Carbon dioxide: Ca (OH) 2 + CO2 = = = = CaCO3 ↓ + H2O
34. Reaction of sodium hydroxide with carbon dioxide (removal of carbon dioxide): 2naoh + CO2 = = = = Na2CO3 + H2O
35. Reaction of limestone (or marble) with dilute hydrochloric acid (laboratory preparation of carbon dioxide): CaCO3 + 2HCl = = = CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 ↑
36, sodium carbonate and concentrated hydrochloric acid reaction (foam extinguisher principle): Na2CO3 + 2HCl = = = 2NaCl + H2O + CO2