The set of positive integers and negative integers is () A. Set of integers B. set of rational numbers C. set of natural numbers D. none of the above is true

The set of positive integers and negative integers is () A. Set of integers B. set of rational numbers C. set of natural numbers D. none of the above is true

Because the combination of positive integer set and negative integer set cannot form an integer set (integer set includes positive integer set, 0 and negative integer set), it is included by rational number set (integer set and fractional set), and natural number set contains positive integer set, but not negative integer set, so the above statements are all wrong

What set can be formed by combining integer set and fractional set?
You still have some questions to number, I will add extra points
(2) What set can be obtained by removing the set of negative integers from the set of negative rational numbers?
(3) What set can you get by removing the set of natural numbers from the set of integers?
Come on, before nine

(1) Rational number set
(2) Negative fraction set
(3) Set of negative integers

What is the letter of natural number? Integer set? Real number set?

In set theory, the set of natural numbers n includes the element "0"
If it refers to the general natural number (set) (excluding the element "0"), it is represented by N + or n *, where the sign + or * is the superscript
The set of integers is represented by Z
The set of real numbers is represented by R

3 hours 35 minutes=______ Hours (mark)

35 △ 60 + 3 = 3712 (hours), so 3 hours 35 minutes = 3712 hours; so the answer is: 3712


=(1-1/2)(1+1/2)(1-1/3)(1+1/3)(1-1/4)(1+1/4)…… (1-1/99)(1+1/99)
=1/2 ×3/2×2/3 × 4/3×3/4 × …… ×98/99 ×100/99

When x = 0, the range of the function y = 3x + 1 / 2x needs a process. Thank you

It should be "when x > 0"
Y = 3x + 1 / (2x) > = 2 radical (3x * 1 / 2x) = 2 radical (3 / 2) = 6 radical
That is, when 3x = 1 / 2x, x = root 6 / 6, take "="
So, the range is [root 6, + infinity]

5,12,21,34,53,80,( )
A digital reasoning problem, which kind of intelligent person to help explain, thank you

The relationship between the above differences is 2, 4, 6, 8, which should be followed by 10, so the answer is 80 + 27 + 10 = 117

Factorization: 2012-1992=______ .

2012-1992 = (201 + 199) (201-199) = 800, so the answer is 800

If the piecewise function is continuous at the piecewise point, do you want to use the definition to find its derivative

The derivative of piecewise function is usually calculated by definition at the piecewise point, because the two sides of the piecewise point tend to be different
However, especially for continuous piecewise points, the existence theorem of derivative limit can also be used

Simple calculation of 12.56 + 2.8-8.56
