The sum of four continuous natural numbers is 19 / 20. What is the average of four continuous natural numbers

The sum of four continuous natural numbers is 19 / 20. What is the average of four continuous natural numbers

If the sum of four continuous natural numbers can be equal to 19 / 20
So the average is 19 / 80
However, in fact, the sum of four consecutive natural numbers is still a natural number, which can't be 19 / 20

The average number of five consecutive natural numbers is 29. If the five natural numbers are arranged from large to small, then 28 is the number one

Let five numbers be x, x + 1, x + 2, x + 3, x + 4
From large to small, they are 31, 30, 29, 28, 27
So it's the fourth one

An object, a unit of measurement or a whole composed of many objects can be represented by the natural number 1______ &Nbsp; (judge right or wrong)

According to the analysis, unit "1" can not only represent a thing, a unit of measurement, but also represent the whole composed of some objects

What did the Three Gorges Dam look like before it was built

Infinitesimal Substitution and higher order infinitesimal omission in limit
Lim (1/x^2-cot^2x)=lim (1/x^2-1/tan^2x)=lim(tan^2x-x^2)/x^2*tan^2x=lim(tan^2x-x^2)/x^4
=LIM (Tan ^ 2x / x ^ 4) = lim2tanxsec ^ 2x / 4x ^ 3 = lim2xsec ^ 2x / 4x ^ 3 = limsec ^ 2 / 2x ^ 2 = lim2sec ^ 2xtanx / 4x = limsec ^ 2x * x / 2x = limsec ^ 2x / 2 = 1 / 2 (x tends to 0)
Because x ^ 2 is an infinitesimal of higher order, it is omitted

This step is wrong
Infinitesimal can't be omitted like this
Because there is a denominator x ^ 4 below
If it's LIM (2 + x ^ 2), X tends to 0, then you can omit = 2
But that's something you've omitted
LIM (- x ^ 2) / x ^ 4 = - Lim 1 / x ^ 2 = - infinity, so error

Is four three eighths equal to four times three eighths?

How much is 4 times of 3 / 8 is to find 4 times of 3 / 8

Twenty nine times twenty-seven of twenty-eight plus one of twenty-eight is a simple operation


If the sum of all odd items is 132 and the sum of all even items is 120, then n =?

The first term of the sequence is A1, which belongs to the odd term
Therefore, it can only be n + 1 odd terms and n even terms
Odd term sum = (n + 1) a (n + 1) = 132
Sum of even terms = (n) a (n + 1) = 120
Division of two forms
We get n = 10

Mr. Wang has 118 pieces of RMB 2 yuan, 5 yuan and 10 yuan, a total of 500 yuan, of which 5 yuan is equal to 10 yuan. How many pieces of each of the three kinds of RMB
Don't use equations

118 △ 3 = 39.. 1 suppose that there are 39 sheets of 5 yuan and 10 yuan, and 40 sheets of 2 yuan. Then the amount of money is: (5 + 10) x39 + 40x2 = 665 yuan. The amount of money is 665-500 = 165 yuan. Take one sheet of 5 yuan and 10 yuan respectively, and add two sheets of 2 yuan. Their price difference is: 15-2x2 = 11 sheets. Take one sheet of 5 yuan and 10 yuan respectively: 165 △ 11 = 15 sheets

How to fill in the number: 9 5 4 1 3 8 () ()

5 3