A natural number is a part of an integer, which can be understood as an integer of 0 and 0 or an integer of 0 Natural numbers are part of integers, which can be understood as integers of () 0 and (), or integers of (). It can be said that natural numbers are integers, but integers are not natural numbers

A natural number is a part of an integer, which can be understood as an integer of 0 and 0 or an integer of 0 Natural numbers are part of integers, which can be understood as integers of () 0 and (), or integers of (). It can be said that natural numbers are integers, but integers are not natural numbers

Natural number is a part of integer, which can be understood as (0) and (positive) integers or (non negative) integers

The smallest positive integer is () and its opposite number is (); the largest negative integer is () and its opposite number is (); the smallest natural number is ()
Its opposite number is (). Generally, the distance between the point of number a and the origin on the number axis is called (). For example, when | - 4 |, the geometric meaning of (), so | - 4 | = (). The absolute value of positive number is (), the absolute value of negative number is (), and the absolute value of () is ()

The smallest positive integer is (1) and its opposite number is (- 1); the largest negative integer is (- 1) and its opposite number is (1); the smallest natural number is (0) and its opposite number is (0). Generally, the distance between the point of number a and the origin on the number axis is called (absolute value) of number a, which is recorded as (IAI) )So | - 4 | = (4). The absolute value of a positive number is (positive), the absolute value of a negative number is (positive), and the absolute value of 0 is (0)

1 6 25 62 123 () according to the law, what's the next number? Please tell me how to solve it

-1 6 25 62 123 (214)
The first one is - 1
The rule is n ^ 3-2

Calculation: 2008 ^ 2-2012 × 2004


The price of a science and technology book is just 1.5 times that of a story book. This science and technology book costs 3.6 yuan more than that of a story book. How much do science and technology books and story books cost?
(solve the equation by solving the equation)

If the story book is x yuan, the science and technology book is 1.5x yuan,
Story book is 7.2 yuan, science and technology book is 10.8 yuan

There are a lot of questions, please be patient and do something that can add points
1. The volume difference between a cylinder with equal base and height and a cone is only 16 cubic decimeters. The volume of the cylinder is () and that of the cone is () cubic decimeters
2. A cylinder and a cone have the same volume and the same bottom area. If the height of the cylinder is 12 decimeters, then the height of the cone is () decimeters
3. If a cylinder and a cone have the same volume and height, and the bottom area of the cone is 9 square decimeters, then the bottom area of the cylinder is () square decimeters
4. Basic knowledge
① If a cylinder and a cone are of equal height and equal bottom, and the volume of the cone is 8 square decimeters less than that of the cylinder, then the volume of the cylinder is () cubic decimeters, and the volume of the cone is () cubic decimeters
② The volume of a cylinder and a cone is 60 cubic centimeter, so the volume of a cylinder is () cubic decimeter
③ The area and height of a cylinder and a cone are equal. The volume of a cylinder is 6 cubic centimeters, and that of a cone is () cubic centimeters
④ The base area and volume of a cylinder and a cone are equal. The height of the original is 6cm and that of the cone () cm
⑤ The height and volume of a cylinder and a cone are equal. The base area of a cone is 6 square centimeters, and the base area of a cylinder is () square centimeters
⑥ Cut the cube wood block with 10 cm edge length into the largest cylinder. The volume of this aid is () cubic centimeter, a timber with () cubic centimeter removed
5. (it's a bit like the Mathematical Olympiad)
① A pile of conical sand pile, the bottom area is 15 square meters, 2 meters. With this pile of sand in the 3 meters wide path paved with 2 cm thick sand pavement, how many meters of pavement can be paved?
② A conical steel block with a bottom diameter of 8 decimeters and a height of 6 decimeters is dissolved and hoed into a cuboid. The cuboid is 4 decimeters long and 2 decimeters wide. What is its height?
You answer: I still have some application questions that I haven't typed up, and I'm tired of three more questions. I'll type them later
Can the title be clearer? I can't see it clearly
1. A cylindrical bucket has a ground diameter of 20 cm and a water depth of 30 cm. When a steel iron block is put in, the water surface rises by 5 cm. What is the volume of the iron block?
2. A cylindrical bucket has a bottom diameter of 20 cm and a water depth of 30 cm. When a steel cone with a bottom radius of 5 cm is put in, the water surface rises by 2 cm. How high is the cone?
3. Fill a square container with a length of 4 decimeters with water, and pour the water into a conical container with a bottom area of 48 square decimeters, which is just full. What is the height of the conical container in decimeters?
Don't be meaningless! Answer quickly. Thank you for using it tomorrow
*I will update these Mathematical Olympiad topics every Friday

1. The volume difference between a cylinder with equal base and height and a cone is only 16 cubic decimeters. The volume of the cylinder is (24) and the volume of the cone is (8) cubic decimeters

Should the length of these objects be accurate to kilometer, meter, decimeter, centimeter or millimeter?
The height of Huangshan
Length of Beijing Shanghai railway line
The length and width of window glass

The height of Huangshan: M
Length of Beijing Shanghai railway line: km
Length and width of window glass: mm
If you agree with my answer, please click the "select as satisfied" button below,

Primary school exercise book 12 lesson "if there is no dust"
There's an article about the breath of the sea,

A fine dry powder of soil or other matter; something reduced to a fine part; a fine powder

What is the greatest common factor of 12 and 30______ The least common multiple is______ .

12 = 2 × 2 × 3, 30 = 2 × 3 × 5, so the greatest common factor of 12 and 30 is 2 × 3 = 6, and the least common multiple is 2 × 3 × 2 × 5 = 60

The ratio of X to y is one third. When y equals 1.2, what is x equal to?
