There is a natural number, which is divided by 6 to 5, divided by 7 to 6, divided by 8 to 7. What is the minimum natural number?

There is a natural number, which is divided by 6 to 5, divided by 7 to 6, divided by 8 to 7. What is the minimum natural number?

Divided by six, divided by five, divided by seven, divided by six, divided by eight, divided by seven
So this is a multiple of 6, 7, 8 plus 1
The least common multiple of 6,7,8 is 2x3x4x7 = 168
So the minimum natural number is 168-1 = 167

A natural number is between 1700 and 1800, and is divided by 6 to 3, by 7 to 2, by 8 to 5, find the number that meets the condition!

This number + 3 is a multiple of 6 and 8, that is, a multiple of 24. The multiple of 24, between 1700 and 1800, has: 17041728175217761800. By subtracting 3 from these numbers, we get 17011725174917731797 divided by 7 respectively, and the remainder is 0, 3, 6, 2, 5 respectively. That is to say, 1773 conforms to the theme 31...

In the sequence an, if the N-1 power of A1 = 1,2 is an = an-1 (n is greater than or equal to 2), then an is equal to

An = 1 / (n-1 power of 1-2)

Granny Wang's house decoration, with an area of 9 square decimeters of brick floor to use 160, if you use 4 decimeters of brick floor, how many? (solve by proportion)

If x blocks are used to pave the floor with square bricks with side length of 4 decimeters, then: (4 × 4) × x = 160 × 9, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 16x = 1440, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 1440 △ 16, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 90

What is the sum of 7 and 9 out of 10 minus 2 and 5 out of 6 and 1 out of 3?

7 and 9 / 10 - (2 and 5 / 6 + 1 / 3)
=7 and 9 / 10 - (2 and 5 / 6 + 2 / 6)
=7 and 9 out of 10-3 and 1 out of 6
=7 and 30:27-3 and 30:5
=4 and 22 / 30
=4 and 11 / 15

Trigonometric functions cos2a to sin2a
Is there any way to convert cos2a to sin2a,

The identity Sin & sup2; 2A + cos & sup2; 2A = 1
So sin2a = ± √ (1-cos & sup2; 2a)

If each side of a square grassland is increased by 5 meters, it will still be a square grassland after expansion, and the area is 425 square meters more than the original square grassland

The original side length of the square is (425-5 × 5) △ 2 △ 5, = (425-25) △ 10, = 400 △ 10, = 40 (m). Answer: the original side length of the square grass is 40 m

For a few high school mathematics answers, need to have a process, a little urgent, thank you!
1. The minimum value of function y = x + 1 / X (X. > 0) is -------
2. It is known that the length of the side edge of a regular triangular pyramid is twice the length of the side edge of the bottom, then the cosine value of the angle between the side edge and the bottom is equal to -------
→ → → →
3. Given the vector a = (1,1), B = (1 + sin2x + cos2x, - 1), Let f (x) = a · B. find the domain of definition, the range of value and the minimum positive period of F (x)
4. It is known that the sum of the first n terms of the sequence {an} is Sn, and A1 = 2, 3Sn = 5, an-an-1 + 3sn-1 (n > 1)
(1) (2) if BN = 4 / an, find the first n terms and TN of the sequence {BN}
5. It is known that the length of the long half axis of ellipse x 2 / a 2 + y 2 / B 2 = 1 (a > b > 0) is root 2, and the eccentricity is (root 2) / 2
(1) The equation of finding ellipse (2) the straight line L with slope 1 passes through the right focus F of ellipse and intersects with ellipse at two points a and B to find the length of line ab
6. When a company sells a commodity with a purchase price of 40 yuan at 50 yuan per piece, it can sell 500 pieces per month. If the selling price increases by 1 yuan, the sales volume will decrease by 10 pieces. In order to make the maximum profit, how much yuan should the selling price be set for each piece?

1. Y = x + 1 / x > = 2 √ (x * 1 / x) = 2, minimum value = 22. Let the side length x of the bottom equilateral triangle, the side edge L = 2x, the included angle a, the height h of the equilateral triangle = xsin60 degree = √ 3 / 2x, the height h of the side isosceles triangle = √ (L & # 178; - (x / 2) &# 178;) = √ [(2x) &# 178; - (x / 2) &# 178;] = √ (4x & # 178; - X & # 178; / 4) = √ 15x / 2CO

Find f (x) = x3-3x K, G (x) = (2kx-k) / (X22) y = x ^ 3x-2
Ax * 2 BX C = 0 medium AC

Y = (m-1) X2 (m-2) X-1 suppose the lines intersect at point O suppose f (x) = xlnx (A-1) x (1) x 3 > - 1 (2) 6x

A rectangular piece of cloth has a circumference of 18 meters, which is 1 meter longer than the width. How many meters is the length? How many meters is the width? How many square meters is the area?

Length + width = 18 △ 2 = 9m
Length = (9 + 1) △ 2 = 5m
Width = 9-5 = 4m
Area = 5 × 4 = 20 square meters