If a natural number is divided by 200 + 5, 300 + 1, and 400 + 1, what is the natural number?

If a natural number is divided by 200 + 5, 300 + 1, and 400 + 1, what is the natural number?

First, find out the least common multiple of 200300400: 1200
The minimum natural number is: 1200 + 1 = 1201

How many natural numbers from 1 to 300 can be divided by 3, 5 and 7 at the same time to make 2?

Because they all have a remainder of two
So this number minus two is divisible by three, five, seven
Let a number be divisible by 3,5,7 at the same time
So this number is 105x + 2
There are
300 / (105x + 2) = integer
It is true when x = 1, true when x = 2, and not true when x = 3
So there are only two numbers, 107212

If the image L1 of the function y = - 6x is translated upward by 5 units to obtain the line L2, then the analytical expression of the line L1 is ()

How can you ask for L1? It should be L2!
Move up 5 units
The analytic expression of L2 is y = - 6x + 5,

A cylinder 9 decimeters high is cut into two equal parts along the diameter of the bottom surface, and the surface area increases by 72 square decimeters, which means that
What is the volume of a cylinder in cubic decimeter?

Bottom diameter = 72 △ 2 △ 9 = 4 (decimeter)
Bottom area = 3.14 × (4 ÷ 2) &# 178; = 12.56 (square decimeter)
Volume = 12.56 × 9 = 113.04 (cubic decimeter)

3. - 5, 9 and - 12 count as 24 points


The derivative of ∫ O-X f (T) DT is f (x). How to calculate the derivative of ∫ 0-x (x-t) f (T) DT

G (x) = ∫ (x-t) f (T) DT (from 0 to x)
Derivation: G (x) = ∫ f (T) DT + XF (x) - XF (x)
=∫ f (T) DT (from 0 to x)

How to convert square meter into meter

1 meter * 1 meter = 1 square meter

If the ratio of two adjacent angles is 1:2 and the perimeter is 4a, the diamond is shorter and the diagonal is longer______ cm.

According to the meaning of the question, the smaller angle of the diamond is 60 degrees, and the shorter diagonal and a group of adjacent sides of the diamond form an equilateral triangle, so the shorter diagonal is equal to the side length of the diamond, because the side length is a, the shorter diagonal is ACM

As shown in the figure, if the ordinate of the highest point of the square x + BX + C of the parabola y = a is 2, then the root of the square x + BX + C-2 of the quadratic equation a of one variable is 0

How much does a cubic meter of water weigh?

A cubic meter of water has a ton. A ton is a thousand kilograms