It is known that the quadratic function y = x squared - 5x + 6. (1) when x is what value, the function y increases with the increase of the independent variable x? (2) when x is what value, the function y decreases with the increase of the independent variable x?

It is known that the quadratic function y = x squared - 5x + 6. (1) when x is what value, the function y increases with the increase of the independent variable x? (2) when x is what value, the function y decreases with the increase of the independent variable x?

So we can know that the symmetry axis of quadratic function is x = 5 / 2, because the quadratic coefficient of quadratic function is 1 > 0, so we can know that when x > 5 / 2, the function y increases with the increase of independent variable; when x < 5 / 2, the function y decreases with the increase of independent variable

It is known that the quadratic function y = x ^ 2-5x + 6.1) when x is the value, the function y increases with the increase of the independent variable x? 2) when x is the value, the function y increases with the increase of the independent variable x
The quadratic function y = x ^ 2-5x + 6 is known
1) When the value of X is what, the function y increases with the increase of the independent variable x?
2) When the value of X is what, the function y decreases with the increase of the independent variable x?

Because the axis of symmetry of the quadratic function y = x ^ 2-5x + 6 is: x = 5 / 2, the opening of the parabola is upward, so on the right side of the axis of symmetry, the function y increases with the increase of the independent variable x; on the left side of the axis of symmetry, the function y decreases with the increase of the independent variable x

As shown in the figure, in △ ABC, ∠ C = 90 °, point D is a point on the edge of AB, DM ⊥ AB, and DM = AC. when passing through point m, make me ∥ BC and intersect AB at point E

It is proved that: ∵ MD ⊥ AB, ∵ MDE = ∵ C = 90 °, ∵ me ∥ BC, ∵ B = ≌ Med, in △ ABC and △ Med, ≌ B = ≌ Med, C = ≌ edmdm = AC, ≌ ABC ≌ MED (AAS)

How many kilos is one kilogram equal to

1 kg = 2 kg = 1 kg

If the image of function y = a2x + B + 1 (a > 0 and a ≠ 1, B is a real number) passes through a fixed point (1,2), the value of B is obtained______ .

Let 2x + B = 0, x = - B2, substitute y = a2x + B + 1, y = 2, the image of function passes through the fixed point (- B2, 2), and the image of function y = a2x + B + 1 (a > 0 and a ≠ 1, B is a real number) passes through the fixed point (1, 2), so the answer is: - 2

If the area of a rectangle is 24 square cm, its width is ACM, then its perimeter is

The circumference of the rectangle is 2 (24 / A + a) cm

Its rated power is 3KW, demand factor k = 0.8, power factor cos φ = 0.85, three-phase power supply is adopted, the current is calculated and the power supply conductor is selected
It is known that the rated power of an indoor electrical equipment is 3KW, and three-phase power supply is adopted, in which the known demand factor k = 0.8, power factor cos φ = 0.85, try to calculate the current and select its power supply wire. (BV 0.45/0.75, 5x1.5, 15a, 5X4, 20a, 10,16,20,32a, respectively)
The current I calculated is 4.29a, so I don't know how to select the conductor. (BV 0.45/0.75, 5x1.5, 5x2.5, 5x4.5, and 5x4.5 are 10a, 15a, and 20A respectively. The rated current of circuit breaker tripping is 10, 16, 20, and 32A.)
1. Bv 2, current carrying capacity 3, what is the rated current of circuit breaker tripping?
Thank you

If it is an exam question, you can choose 5x1.5, switch to 10A,
If it is engineering design, it is better to choose 2.5 flat line, because there are many factors to consider, such as mechanical strength, pressure drop, protection action sensitivity, thermal stability and so on

If set M = {x | x2 + X-6 = 0}, n = {x | (X-2) (x-a) = 0}, and N ⊆ m, find the value of real number a

From x2 + X-6 = 0, x = 2 or - 3 can be obtained; therefore, M = {2, - 3}. (I) if a = 2, n = {2}, then n ⊆ m is satisfied. (II) if a = - 3, n = {2, - 3}, then n = m; (III) if a ≠ 2 and a ≠ - 3, n = {2, a}, then n is not a subset of M; therefore, the value of the real number a is 2 or - 3

As shown in the figure, C and D are two points on the line AB, known as AC: CD: DB = 2:3:4, points E and F are the midpoint of AC and BD respectively, and EF = 5cm, find the length of ab
A --- e --- C -------- D -------- f -------- B

AC, CD and DB are divided into 2, 3 and 4 parts respectively. E and F are the midpoint of AC and DB, so EF is 1 + 3 + 2 = 6 parts
If 6 is 5cm, 1 is 5 / 6cm, then AB = 5 / 6 * (2 + 3 + 4) = 7.5cm

Proof: if a is an anti real symmetric (anti Hermite) matrix, then e ^ A is a real orthogonal (unitary) matrix

Just finished the matrix theory, ha ha