There is a natural number, which is used to remove more than 200 5, more than 300 1, and more than 400 10. This natural number is the largest______ .

There is a natural number, which is used to remove more than 200 5, more than 300 1, and more than 400 10. This natural number is the largest______ .

The natural number is the greatest common divisor of 200-53001400-10, 200-5 = 195300-1 = 299400-10 = 390.195 = 3 × 5 × 13299 = 23 × 13390 = 5 × 6 × 13, that is (195, 299, 390) = 13

Find the sum of all natural numbers between 200 and 500 divided by 3 and 1

First, find the sum of all natural numbers that can be divisible by 3 between 200 and 500, the minimum is 201, the maximum is 498, the middle is every three can be divisible once, use the arithmetic sequence, a total of (498-201) / 3 + 1 = 100 (201 + 498) * 100 / 2 = 34950, 3 divide by 1, then that number is larger than 3 divisor, 100 number is larger than 100200 to 50

We know that a and B are positive numbers, the square of a = 2, and the cube of B = 3

The sixth power of a = 8, the sixth power of B = 9
So a

[f (x) + XF '(x)] DX for indefinite integral, detailed explanation,

Let F1 = ∫ f (x) DX, using the partial integration method, we know that F1 = f (x) * x - ∫ XDF (x) + C (C is any constant),
Then the indefinite integral is f = F1 + ∫ XF '(x) DX = F1 + ∫ XDF (x) = f (x) * x + C

Choose five of the following words and write a coherent passage
Generous, Zhanghuang, struggling, calm, mangran, as always, admonish, doubt, angry eyes, urgent!

As always, I looked at her with puzzled eyes, but she struggled and glared at me

The volume of a cone is 8 cubic decimeters, the bottom area is 2 square decimeters, and its height is () decimeters


Add the operation symbol in the middle of 5 1 / 3 to make the result equal to 2 / 9

One third by one third divided by one third plus one third and multiplied by one third

Let f (x) be a differentiable even function and limf (1-2h) - f (1) / h = 2. Find the normal equation of the curve f (x) at x = - 1

So: F '(1) = - 1
Because f (x) is even, f '(x) is odd
So f '(- 1) = - f' (1) = 1
The tangent slope at x = - 1 is 1
Then the normal slope is - 1
So: normal equation: y = - (x + 1) + F (- 1)

Given the function f (x + 1) = x2-x + 3, then the expression of F (x-1) is ()
A. x2-5x+9B. x2-x-3C. x2+5x-9D. x2-x+1

∵ function f (x + 1) = x2-x + 3, ∵ f (x-1) = f [(X-2) + 1] = (X-2) 2 - (X-2) + 3 = x2-5x + 9, so a

1. The addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of 2, 3, 4 and 5 must be used once respectively. How can they be equal to 20?

3 times 5 + 2 + 4-1