4 / 3 0 19 2 3 negative 5 natural number has (), integer has ()

4 / 3 0 19 2 3 negative 5 natural number has (), integer has ()

The natural number is divided by 0, and the integer is divided by three quarters

When a natural number is divided by 5, 6, 7, the remainder is 1, within 10000. There are many such numbers______ How many?

When divided by 5, 6, 7, the remainder is the minimum natural number of 1: 5 × 6 × 7 + 1 = 21110000 △ 210 = 47 A: there are 47 such numbers

The expanded side view of a cylinder is just a square with side length of 3.14cm. Calculate the surface area of the cylinder!
If the problem, urgent

Earth girl,
The side view is just a square with side length of 3.14cm, so height = bottom circumference = 3.14cm
Bottom radius: 3.14 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 0.5 (CM)
Bottom area: 3.14 × 0.5 ^ 2 = 0.785 (square centimeter)
Surface area: 0.785 × 2 + 3.14 × 3.14 = 11.4296 (square centimeter)

Can you tell me the speed of light in vacuum is 300000 kilometers per second, and how many million kilometers per light year? (365 days per year)

1 year = 365 days = 365 × 24 hours = 365 × 24 × 60 minutes = 365 × 24 × 60 seconds = 3153600 seconds
So 1 light year = 30 × 3153600 = 946080 million km

If a heavy object is pulled by a steel wire, then the steel wire pulls the heavy object to rise in a straight line at a constant speed, and the tensile force of the steel wire on the object is equal to the gravity given by the earth, and the direction is opposite. At this time, the resultant force is 0n. Why can the heavy object rise in a straight line at a constant speed when the resultant force is 0n? Who is the force application object that makes the object rise in a straight line at a constant speed?

I really don't understand when I first learn here
Let me explain: according to Newton's first law, an object always remains at rest or in a uniform linear motion when it is not subjected to external force. Therefore, even if the resultant force is zero, an object can also move at a uniform speed. In other words, both uniform linear motion and static motion are in equilibrium
If the object is not zero external force will do accelerated motion, this is not in junior high school, you just need to understand

A square, the side length increases 5 centimeters, the area increases 145 centimeters?
A square, the side length increases 5 centimeters, the area increases 145 centimeters?

That is, the original side length is 12

57 out of 18 plus 5 out of 15

57 out of 18 plus 5 out of 15
=35 out of 18 + 1 out of 3
=35 out of 18 + 6 out of 18
=41 out of 18

To find the range of the function f (x) = x ^ 2-2ax + A ^ 2 + 1 on [- 2,2], please be as detailed as possible


In a rectangular grassland, there is a zigzag road 1 meter wide, 76 meters long and 65 meters wide. How many square meters is the area of the lawn?

If both ends of the path are long, the area of the lawn is (76-1) × 65 = 4875 (M2)
If both ends of the path are wide, the area of the lawn is: 76 × (65-1) = 4864 (M2)

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