Find the minimum natural number satisfying the three conditions of division by 5, division by 4, division by 7, division by 2, division by 9 and division by 1

Find the minimum natural number satisfying the three conditions of division by 5, division by 4, division by 7, division by 2, division by 9 and division by 1

This method of using Han Xin to order troops
The specific method is to find the least common multiple 63 of 7 and 9. The remainder of 63 divided by 5 is 3, because 3 is multiplied by 8 divided by 5, and the remainder will be 4, so it is the common multiple of 7 and 9, and the number of 4 divided by 5 is 63x8 = 504
Similarly, the number that is a common multiple of 5 and 9 and divided by 7 and 2 is 45x3 = 135
Is the common multiple of 5 and 7 divided by 9, the number of 1 is 35x8 = 280
If you want to add or subtract the common multiple of 7, 9 and 5, the answer is all
I figured out that the smallest was 289

A natural number is divided by 4 and 5 respectively, and the remainder is 1. What is the natural number
What is the minimum natural number

1,21 ,41,61,………………
It can be expressed as: 4 × 5 × n + 1
N is a natural number

What is the minimum of a natural number divided by 4 and 5 respectively


The following sets are represented by enumeration and Description: (1) the set composed of all positive odd numbers less than 1000; (2) the set composed of negative real number roots of equation x & # 178; = 1

(2) {- 1} or {x | X & # 178; = 1}

Give examples to illustrate what is a monomial or polynomial
Remember to give examples

An algebraic expression consisting of the product of letters or letters and numbers (also a single number or letter): for example, AB ^ 2,1 / 2BC
The algebraic formula composed of the sum of several monomials is polynomial: A ^ 2 + 1, ax + B
They are all monomials, and 0.5m + n is a polynomial

Calculation by Green's formula
∮ {x2 + Y2} DX + {y2-x2} Dy, where l is a region bounded by y = 0, x = 1, y = x, and the whole boundary direction is counterclockwise

In this paper, the D region is: 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1,0 ≤ y 87508750\8750; L P (x, y) P (x, x, y) P (x, x, y) P (x, x, P (DQ / dx-dp / dy) DXDY in this problem, the D region is: the D region in this problem is: the D region in this problem is: the D region in this problem is: the D region in this problem, the D region is: 0 ≤ x ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1,0 ≤ 0 ≤ x ≤ x ≤ 1,0 ≤ 0 ≤ y ≤ x \87508750\\\8747474747\8747\W [(- 2xy-y

What is the density formula of an object

Mass = density × volume, i.e. M = ρ V

1-3 + 5-7 + 9-11 +... + 97-99 how to calculate, simple calculation, to process

=(- 2) + (- 2) +. + (- 2)
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What is the minimum value of | ab | when the straight line intersecting the focus of the parabola y2 = 2px (P > 0) is at two points a and B

Focus f coordinates (0.5p, 0), let the line L pass through F, then the linear l equation is y = K (x-0.5p)
If y & sup2; = 2px, K & sup2; X & sup2; - (PK & sup2; + 2P) x + P & sup2; K & sup2; / 4 = 0
According to Weida's theorem, X1 + x2 = P + 2P / K & sup2;
Because k = Tana, 1 + 1 / K & sup2; = 1 + 1 / Tan & sup2; a
So | ab | = 2P / Sin & sup2; a
When a = 90, that is, AB is perpendicular to the x-axis, the minimum value of AB is | ab | = 2p

Compared with the volume of cylinder, cube and cuboid with equal base and height, ()
A. Cube is bigger B. cuboid is bigger C. cylinder is bigger D

Because the volume of cylinder, cube and cuboid can be calculated by the formula: v = sh, and the volume is the same because of equal base and height