All natural numbers are integers, right

All natural numbers are integers, right

Yes, all natural numbers are integers and not negative integers

An integer is a number consisting of natural numbers and zeros

10 20 30 40

Natural numbers and zeros are integers______ (judge right or wrong)

Natural numbers include 0, so it is correct that both 0 and natural numbers are integers

Why inductive and capacitive circuits have phase difference should be explained in detail

The characteristic of inductive circuit is that the current lags behind the voltage, while capacitive circuit is just the opposite. So if the same voltage is taken as the reference value, the current of inductive circuit lags behind, the current of capacitive circuit is ahead, and the phase difference between the two currents is between 0 and 180 degrees

The number of students in a class is less than 50. They are divided into 6, 18 and 12 groups, and all the students are just finished. How many students are there in this class?

The multiples of 6 are: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48
The multiples of 18 are: 18, 36, 54
The multiples of 12 are: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60
Therefore, the common multiples of 6, 18 and 12 are: 36, 72, 108
There are 36 students in this class because the number of students is less than 50

Let a be a positive semi definite matrix, and prove that for any positive real number, e + A is a positive definite matrix

Because a is a positive semidefinite matrix
So for any column vector at, there is at * a * a > = 0
Then, at * (ε e + a) * a = at * ε e * a + at * a * a = ε * at * e * a + at * a * a
Because the identity matrix e is a positive definite matrix
So at * e * a > 0, and because ε > 0, so ε * at * e * a > 0
So ε * at * e * a + at * a * a > 0
So ε e + A is a positive definite matrix

Can the plural be compared with the size?

1. Knowledge structure this section first introduces the related concepts of complex number, then points out the necessary and sufficient conditions for the equality of complex numbers, then introduces the geometric representation of complex numbers, and finally points out the concept of conjugate complex numbers. 2. Analysis of key points and difficulties (1) the real part and imaginary part of correct complex numbers. For complex numbers, the real part is, the imaginary part is

The teacher led 70 students to take a spring outing, rented 10 big boats, 5 people for each boat, 8 people for each big boat, and rented several big and small boats. Thank you

Rent x boats
Because x is an integer
So there are four options
1) There are 0 small boats and 10 large boats
1) One small boat and nine large boats
1) There are two small boats and eight big boats
1) There are three small boats and seven big boats
Hope to adopt!

(x->0) lim(2x^2-sinx)/x=?

(x->0) lim(2x^2-sinx)/x
The original formula = (x - > 0) LIM (4x cosx) = 0-1 = - 1

If the function f (x) = ax ^ 2 + (B + 3) x + B (a ≠ 0) is even and its domain of definition is [a-3,2a], then a=____ ,b=____
I'll get more points

Even function is symmetric about the origin, so A-3 and 2a are opposite numbers, so A-3 = - 2AA = 1F (x) = x & sup2; + (B + 3) x + B even function f (- x) = f (x) (- x) & sup2; + (B + 3) (- x) + B = x & sup2; + (B + 3) x + BX & sup2; - (B + 3) x + B = x & sup2; + (B + 3) x + B2 (B + 3) x = 0. This is an identity, so B + 3 = 0, so