My uncle is 42 years old. Xiaohong is one third of his uncle's age. Xiaogang is one-half of Xiaohong's age. How old are Xiaohong and Xiaogang this year

My uncle is 42 years old. Xiaohong is one third of his uncle's age. Xiaogang is one-half of Xiaohong's age. How old are Xiaohong and Xiaogang this year

Xiao Hong is 14 years old and Xiao Gang is 7 years old

This year, Xiaogang's age is four times that of Xiaofang's, and nine years later, it will be five times that of Xiaofang's. how old is Xiaogang

If Xiaogang is x years old, Xiaofang is 4x / 6
So Xiaogang is 9 years old

This year, three times of Xiaogang's age is equal to five times of Xiaofang's age. Ten years later, if four times of Xiaogang's age is equal to five times of Xiaofang's age, Xiaogang's age this year will be five times______ I'm 40 years old

Let Xiaogang be x years old, then Xiaofang is 35x years old. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the equation: 4 (x + 10) = 5 (35x + 10), & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 4x + 40 = 3x + 50, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 10; a: Xiaogang is 10 years old this year, so the answer is: 10

There are two numbers a and B. 3 / 4 of the number a is equal to 5 / 12 of the number B. 2 / 5 of the number a is 25 larger than 1 / 12 of the number B. what is the number a?

Two fifths of a is 25 times more than one twelfth of B
Then 10 out of 5 of a is 25 * 5 more than 5 out of 12 of B
That is, 10 / 5 of the number of nails is 25 * 5 more than 3 / 4 of the number of nails
The number of a is 25 * 5 / (10 / 5-3 / 4) = 125 / 1.25 = 100
The second number is (100 * 3 / 4) / (5 / 12) = 75 * 12 / 5 = 180

If x = 5 is the solution of the equation AX + 5 = 10-4a, then a=______ .

Substituting x = 5 into the equation, we get 5A + 5 = 10-4a, and the solution is a = 59

There are three numbers a, B and C, in which a is 2 larger than B and B is 11 larger than C. It is known that the average number of these three numbers is 70, and the number C is calculated

Let C be x, then B be x + 11 and a be x + 11 + 2 = x + 13. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the following equation: x + X + 11 + X + 13 = 70 × 3, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x + 24 = 210, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x = 186, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

Linear Algebra: the difference between vector group equivalence and matrix equivalence?

If two vector groups can be expressed linearly with each other, then they are equivalent
If matrix B can be obtained from a through a series of elementary transformations, then matrix A and B are equivalent

Party A and Party B made 360 parts and completed the task in 6 days. It is known that Party A makes 35 parts a day, but how much does Party B do every day?

B do X every day


Transfer: 4x-1.4x = 18 + 7

There are 120 tons of chemical fertilizer in warehouse A and 80 tons in warehouse B. in order to make the quality ratio of chemical fertilizer in warehouse A and warehouse B 2:3, how many tons of chemical fertilizer should be dropped from warehouse A to warehouse B

(120 + 80) / (2 + 3) × 2 = 80 tons
120-80 = 40 tons
A: 40 tons of chemical fertilizer should be dropped from warehouse A to warehouse B