My mother is making a cake

My mother is making a cake

My mother is making a cake

The second Sunday in May is mother's day?
The in is Mother’s Day.

The May in two week is the Mother's Day.

Every day my mother always stays at home to do housework

Every day my mother always stays at home and does housework
My mom always stays at home doing housework

Mother does housework at home?

Mother does her housework at home.

As shown in the figure, the lightweight elastic rod P without mass is inserted into the small hole on the table top, and the other end of the rod is covered with a small ball with mass M. now, the small ball makes a uniform circular motion with radius r in the horizontal plane, and the angular velocity is ω, then the force exerted by the small ball on the upper end of the rod is ()
A. M ω RB. Mg2 + ω 4r2c. Mg2 − ω 4r2d

According to the parallelogram rule, the force of the rod on the ball is f = F + 2 + (mg) 2 = Mg2 + ω 4r2. So B is right, a, C and D are wrong. So B is chosen

How many amps is 1 microampere? How many microamperes is 0.025 ma?

One milliampere equals 1000 microampere, and one microampere equals 0.00000 1 A

Newton's second law experiment
Under what conditions can there be no error in the experiment

Strictly speaking, it is an ideal condition. Because the error is divided into two categories: systematic error and accidental error. Systematic error: it is caused by the imperfect structure of the instrument or the instrument is not well calibrated. The characteristic of systematic error is that the measurement result deviates in one direction, and its value changes according to a certain law

Algebraic formula: if the three sides of a triangle are 5cm, (2x-3) cm, (x-1) cm, then its circumference is cm
When its circumference is expressed in algebraic form, it needs no brackets

When there are unknowns, you need to add brackets. When there are no unknowns, you don't need brackets

The wooden box of mass m is placed on the horizontal ground
The wooden box with mass m is placed on the horizontal ground, a light spring is fixed on the top wall of the box, and the lower end of the spring is connected with the small ball with mass M. when the small ball vibrates up and down, the wooden box just does not leave the ground, and the acceleration of the small ball is calculated

For wooden cases f-mg = 0 f = mg
For spherules F + Mg = ma

Sometimes it can be used in the mixed operation of four items of fraction______ It makes the calculation simple

In the mixed operation of four items of fraction, sometimes the operation law can be applied to simplify the calculation