At the school sports meeting, in the 200m sprint, Xiaoqiang took 2 / 3 minutes, Xiaogang took 50 seconds and Xiaoming took 0.6 minutes. Which of them is the fastest?

At the school sports meeting, in the 200m sprint, Xiaoqiang took 2 / 3 minutes, Xiaogang took 50 seconds and Xiaoming took 0.6 minutes. Which of them is the fastest?

Xiaoqiang: 2 / 3x60 = 40s
Xiaoming: 0.6x60 = 36s
So Xiao Ming runs the fastest
You can also calculate speed by dividing distance by time

On tree planting day, Xiao Ming, Xiao Gang, Xiao Dong and Xiao Qiang go to plant trees together. Every three people plant a tree. How many different planting methods are there?

One: Xiaoming, Xiaogang, Xiaodong. Xiaogang, Xiaodong, Xiaoqiang. Xiaodong, Xiaoqiang, Xiaoming. Xiaoqiang, Xiaoming, Xiaogang

Xiaoming is obliged to plant 15 trees, X less than Xiaogang(

How many 15 + X trees have Xiaogang planted

A natural number is smaller than 10. It is a multiple of 2 and has a factor of 3. The natural number is ()
A. 9B. 3C. 8D. 6

It is a multiple of 2, has a factor of 3, and is smaller than 10. It must satisfy the number of bits 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and only 6 matches

Xiao Ming and Xiao Li play with scissors, stone and cloth. What's the probability of both of them coming out


There is a rectangular sheet of iron 40 cm in length and 20 cm in width. Please use it to make a 5 cm deep rectangular sheet iron box without cover (welding joints are ignored). How many welding methods do you have? What is the maximum volume of the tin box you made?

As shown in the figure: (1) (40-5 × 2) × (20-5 × 2) × 5 = 30 × 10 × 5 = 1500 (ML); (2) (40-5) × (20-5 × 2) × 5 = 35 × 10 × 5 = 1750 (ML); (3) (40-5 × 4) × 20 × 5 = 20 × 20 × 5 = 2000 (ML); answer: there are three welding methods, and the maximum volume of the tin box is 2000 ml

There is an operation symbol "*", which makes the following formula hold: 4 ⁃ 8 = 16,10 ⁃ 6 = 26,6 ⁃ 10 = 22,18 ⁃ 14 = 50. Then 8 ⁃ 10 = ()


9720 square meters=______ Hectare & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 0.3 hectare=______ Square meters 15.32 square meters=______ Square meter______ Square centimeter 0.36 square meter=______ Square decimeter=______ Square centimeter 7 square meter 5 square centimeter=______ Square centimeter

(1) 9720 square meters = 0.972 hectares; (2) 3 hectares = 3000 square meters; (3) 15.32 square meters = 15 square meters, 3200 square centimeters; (4) 0.36 square meters = 36 square decimeters = 3600 square centimeters; (5) 7 square meters, 5 square centimeters = 70005 square centimeters

There are 180 books in class 6 (4), of which one third are fairy tales, two fifths are science and technology books, and the rest are comic books


Find the sum of the first 10 terms of the arithmetic sequence: - 1,2,5,8?